Im true

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After a while I decide to speak.

I looked at him, his face contorted as he stared at the gentle waves.

He must be a deep thinker.

"Errm... Brad?" I coughed quietly.

He jumped at the sound of my voice and glanced at me.

"Hey...." he grinned at me and I felt my heart quicken pace.

"Umm you know.... what happened?" I looked down embarrassed.

He looked nervous and started to fiddle with his hands,

"With what?"

"With us." I muttered. "Why did we get off on the wrong foot, I did misjudge you and I'm sorry. I didn't try to get to know you."

He moved closer and put his arm around me, squeezing me slightly.

"It's ok, we'd just met... you was hard to learn about each other. I just know in the short time I was with you, it was the best and I couldn't imagine a life without you in it. Even if it is just passing in the street and saying hello to me. My life's been hell knowing everyone else was with you and I couldn't be." He shrugged blushing and I smiled.

"Brad I do like you, you're a nice guy, i was wrong." I smiled at the ground.

"Why did you run off when you heard me talking about..... Umm you.... to Connor?" He said quietly.

"It wasn't you Brad." I touched his arm gently. "Just everything that's happened... Tilly and stuff I just got overwhelmed."

"What happened with Tilly?" he was puzzled, but I didn't feel ready to tell him the whole truth.

"I..I just... when I heard you were bringing Tilly I was mad but I didn't know why, and hearing what you said before.. I guess it just got to me." I sighed.

"But I, I don't understand.." He furrowed his brows in concern.

"We have spent a week apart, before that we were only together for a day, I think we need to take this slow."

"Take what slow." he looked at me hopefully and I felt a pang of guilt. "What is 'us'?"

"Our....our friendship." I stuttered worriedly.

He moved away from me subtly but I noticed.

"We best get back.." He shuffled and stood up, brushing invisible dust off of his jeans.

He held out his hand to help pull me up and I took it, it was warm and smooth.

"I forgot about the party in the park." I said awkwardly.

"Yeah well it'll be nearly finished by now." he muttered scratching the back of his neck.

I hadn't noticed but we had been sat there for an hour at least, it was getting dark and we hadn't seen any acts.

This was my fault.

"It's not your fault." Brad chuckled.

Had I said that out loud?


"I'd rather sit with you to be honest." he said giving me a side cuddle.

I smiled happily.

I'd rather be with him too.

As we reached the path that led us back to the park I heard the faint sound of expensive heels clipping towards us....

"Brad!" Tilly gasped pulling him in for a tight hug. "I've been looking for you everywhere."

She gave him a kiss on the cheek and I noticed him stiffen.

She looked at me and sniggered before turning back towards Brad hanging off his arm.

"I've been thinking. Bella told me how you felt, what you said at the restaurant and I've decided!" she squealed.

Brad turned to me and shrugged, he mouthed 'I'm confused' to me and I just bit my lip anxiously.

I felt like a third wheel walking along with them, whilst Tilly was clinging onto Brad like a baby with a dummy.

"I WILL be your girlfriend!" she giggled , smiling up at him.

She turned his head towards her and kissed him right on the lips.

My eyes widened in shock and I noticed so did Brads.

Id had enough, my shock quickly turned to anger but I didn't know how to ventilate it.

Brad pulled away awkwardly, blushing a bright scarlet.

He turned to me and I could tell he had no idea what had happened.

"Liv... I.. I don't know... please I. I didn't." he pleaded with me, his eyes threatening to spill tears.

"What's up?" I asked him smiling calmly.

I wasn't going to give Tilly the satisfaction.

"Sorry if I've interrupted something! I'll head off to find the others." I added brightly.

I waved before flashing a fake smile and speeding off down the path.

All I needed was a gun.

But I couldn't pull the trigger.

I counted to 10 in my head, trying to calm down and rushed off to find Bella.

I needed her help.

LIV: 0 TILLY: 100



Hope you liked this. I enjoyed writing it.

I only wish Fanfics were real and could come true
I mean if Brad dated a fan (i.e ME!!!) he'd get lots of love from people cause it gives others hope!

So come on Brad....

CALL US! (preferably me) xxx 📲📲📲📲📲📲

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