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I laughed once more, yet I didn't know exactly what she said.

I was too busy staring at her, she is gorgeous.

The others had left about 10 minutes ago leaving me, Bella and.... Tilly.

I was glad, I wasn't bothered about them anyway, I only focused on Til.

".....And then I said I'm way prettier than you so back off bitch." She laughed snapped me out of my trance with her beautiful voice.

"Yes you are." I muttered quietly, but she heard me.

"Aww!" she said ruffling my hair, "you are so cute!"

I beamed, my heart beat increased dramatically and I thought I was going to pass out.

She called me cute.

I really like her.

I glanced at her again and she was back on her phone.

She quickly stood up and grabbed her coat.

"I have to go, my ride is here." she said brightly.

I was very disappointed but hid it quite well. Bella stood up to and hugged her squealing,

"Have a great night out Tilly!"

She said thanks and with just a smile in my direction she left the cafe.

Wait what?

I was rooted to the spot, shocked and a little hurt.

With all the banter flying around, the fact we spent nearly 3 hours in each other's company, I thought she'd at least hug me.

I guess the chemistry was only one-sided because I really fancy her and with the flirting back I thought she did to.

This made me even more intrigued.

"Brad?" Bella interrupted my thoughts, waving a hand over my face.

"Oh yeah sorry."

"You like Tilly or something?" she muttered, disappointment in her voice.

"I think so, why?" I questioned.

"What about Liv."

I huffed slightly, I'm fed up of talking about Liv.

We were walking down the street in silence now.

She could tell I wasn't happy with the way the conversation was heading and changed the subject.

"So how are you now?"

"I'm good....good." I responded, I really wanted to know more about Tilly to be honest.

"Sooo how do you know Tilly?" I asked, trying to be subtle.

"She goes to my dance class, pole."

"Wait....pole? As in pole dance." I stuttered.

"Yep, but Brad it's not slutty dancing, it's an art."

"I....I...I know that." I am speechless, Tilly is perfection.

"And.. this may sound weird but why wasn't Liv with you today."

"Oh." she looked down sadly. "She and Tilly don't really get on. Liv doesn't like her."

I laughed nastily, of course she wouldn't like Tilly.





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