The gumball kiss

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"So are you up for it?" I asked.

The boys all shouted yes, but I heard only a meek 'ok' from Liv.

She's been a right downer lately.

I got the boys to grab some shot glasses whilst I found my phone.

I needed to send a quick text!

Now Tris has been going out with an awesome girl for about 2 weeks, her name is Lydia.

You may remember her as the 'lighting girl', she was working in the arena where we first met the vamps.

I encouraged Tristan to go for it and ask her out, they have me to thank just saying.

Anyway we haven't seen her in a while so I decided to invite her round real quick.

'Hey Lyds! Me, Liv & the boys are pulling an all-nighter booze fest at mine right now. Come over ASAP if you can!!! xxxx'

I had just grabbed a cloth that could double as a blindfold when I felt my pocket vibrate.

Still clutching the cloth and running down the stairs I opened the reply.

'I'd love to! xxx I'll be round in 10'

I smiled and went to find the others.


"LYDIA!" I squealed as I opened the door.

She had at least 3 gigantic bags, it was like she was staying a whole month.

I helped her carry the bags inside but she dropped them as soon as she saw Tris.

Squealing she ran into his arms as he picked her up and spun her round,

"I've missed you soooo much." she said still hugging him.

"So are we going to do this, or what?" Brad muttered suddenly.


Ughh. Seeing Tris with his girlfriend made me feel sick.

If I can't have the girl of my dreams neither should he.

Spinning her round, I mean how stupid and childish, they saw each other about 2 days ago.

I'll never understand love...

"So are we going to do this, or what?" I asked, trying to hide my frustration.

"Absolutely." James shouted, staring at Bella.

Oh god not this again!

Everyone's in love but poor ol' bradley!

Pfft not that I care though to be honest.

We started off with an easy game of guess the shot.

If only that was the only drinking game Bella knew....

"Guys I have the best game now!" she shouted, getting up, she was already pretty tipsy.

She had taken the most blind shots and I had caught James mixing a lot of strong booze in them, I had rolled my eyes at that.


She went over to James and pushed him so he was lying down, she was giggling like a 3 year old.

She pulled his shirt up to reveal a very toned body.

Please god not here!... In front of us.

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