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After I had walked Bella to her house, I headed down the few streets to mine.

As I strolled home, I kept replaying today over and over in my head.

Should I invite Tilly tomorrow?

That's a good idea.

As I turned the corner onto my road I took out my phone and dialled Bella's number.

I felt awful as I kept bugging her, but I knew she'd understand, she was starting to become an amazing mate.

"Helllooooo?" Bella called comically down the phone, making me giggle. "what's up brad?"

"Umm I need to ask you something.." I said quietly, I had reached my house and was now fumbling with my keys.

"Let me guess.." she said humming slightly. "You want Tilly's number so you can invite her to the party in the park tomorrow."

I let myself into the house and smiled.

She knew me so well.

"Actually yes."

"Well no need!" she said happily. "She already is going and asked me for your number to ask you!"

"Are you serious?" I said shocked, my cheeks went hot.

"Yes, she said she'd text you and arrange for you to pick her up tomorrow."

"Oh... my.... yes!" I said, though I was silently screaming in my head.

My dream girl could become my reality girlfriend.


"Come on Liv, I don't even know why you don't like her!" Bella whined at me.

She seriously expects me to meet Tilly, she should think again.

"I'm not meeting with that biatch." I scoffed.

"Fine!" she muttered slamming the phone down on me.

I didn't care.

Bella doesn't know what Tilly has done to me.

She can fool everyone else but she can't fool me.

I went to put my phone back on the kitchen counter and sat down to finish my lunch.

A burger, a meaty juicy burger, a real lunch.

Not a 'Tilly lunch' of a salad with light dressing.

That is not a lunch, it's a starter.....

For slugs.

I thought about the party in the park tomorrow as I ate my meal, I was really dreading seeing Brad.

I don't even think he remembers me, not that I actually care.


*beep beep* beep beep*

I slammed the snooze button angrily, why does it never just give me 5 more minutes.

I opened my eyes, squinting as the light shined in my face.

I crawled out of bed and shut the curtains properly before climbing back under my cold crisp duvet.

I tried to ignore the banging on the door.


Banging on the door?

I got up groggily and headed down the stairs, I could hear Bella shouting my name from outside.

I opened the door, only to be greeted by 3 smiling faces.

Bella, James and Connor raced into my house excitedly.

James followed Bella to the open plan kitchen, they dumped a box of beers on the table and came running back into the hallway.

"You ain't wearing that are you?" Bella asked, looking me up and down, a disgusted expression on her face.

"Yes of course, I'm wearing my Hello Kitty pjs out!" I muttered sarcastically.

"Why are you over here all dressed and stuff, we don't have to go for ages."

"Actually we do! It starts in like an hour!" she grabbed my arm pulling me up the stairs.

"Boys, make yourself comfy, I think there's cheese in the fridge." Bella called to them, still dragging me.

Rude, I thought this was my house.

Once we reached my room she pushed me inside slamming the door behind her.

She swung my wardrobe doors open and started sifting through my clothes.

"Hmm what can we have you wearing..." she kept muttering to herself.

I sat on the bed awkwardly, I love Bell and everything but sometimes she goes a little nutty.

"Got it!" she squealed. "I found 'the outfit'."

She spun back round, giving me chance to actually look at her.

She looked flawless.

Her hair was left wavy with a flowery hippy headband lifting it up and giving it volume.

Her outfit consisted of some super cute denim booty shorts with a lace rim, a lacy off the shoulder cami and subtle cowgirl boots.

She looked ready for the festivals.

She threw a dress at me and ushered me to try it.

I whipped off my pyjamas and put the dress on.

It was a short pink floral dress that puffed out at the bottom, it was very innocent.

"And wear these." she chucked some coral ballet flats at me, they hit me in the shin and I owed.

"Now for your makeup!"


"ASK HER!" James shouted at me as we collected a selection of cheese from the fridge.

"I can't." I muttered, the girls had gone upstairs about ten minutes ago so it was just me and him.

"Just ask her, it's not like she has a choice anyway!" he laughed.

He had a point, Liv HAD to go to the party in the park with me, we were all going together.

"Look you've known her for a week man, you're smitten, it's now or never." James said, ripping open a packet of cheddar.

"Ok. I will." I said nervously.


The girls came back down after about a half hour, Liv looked stunning.

Her cute dress showed off her figure and her face.... well it looked as beautiful as ever.

"We are ready!" Bella said loudly, opening the door. She skipped off to walk with James leaving me with Liv.

This was my chance.



And that is it my friends xxx hope you loved 😘😘

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