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Sitting at the front seat of a jeepney and watching the other passengers at the back through a wide mirror, a tall good-looking guy with a blonde hair sitting at the very back, got my attention. He's wearing an earphones and I can feel a sad aura coming from him.

"Para po!" I said. I'm on my way to the seaside. I don't know why but I feel like I want to see the sea tonight. The guy at the back got off the jeep the same time I did. We were walking at the same direction so I assumed that he is also on his way to the seaside. I keep on stealing glances since I'm curious why he look so sad and of course, because, he's kinda cute.

We stopped at the same area. I took my shoes off and run towards the sea. I stared at it and it was surprisingly beautiful- The heavy wind, the sound of the waves, the sunset, the cold breeze and the gentle touch of the sand on my feet. I closed my eyes and widely opened my arms. My lips formed a smile without me noticing it.

"I guess we're both here for the same reason." I looked at my right side and saw the same guy I walked with. His eyes are also closed while facing the sea.

I chuckled. "I guess we are." I said.

"Aren't you tired of wearing that?" he asked.

"Wearing what?" he opened his eyes and he looked at me for a minute. His eyes are attractive.

"That." he pointed at my lips and closed his eyes once again. "I bet you've been smiling the whole day." he said.

I also closed my eyes again. We became silent for a few minutes. I then heard his footsteps, I guess he's about to leave.

"Are you smiling because you're happy, or, did it became a habit?" he asked.

He left. I wasn't able to respond, not sure of the answer yet.


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