SHORT STORY: 4 Letter Word

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: She left these tapes. It's for you.
: Thank You.
: Maybe she already knows that she'll die. She recorded 9 tapes. She told me to give this to you on this day.

She's Aeron Clux. My fiancé. Today was supposed to be our wedding but unluckily, she died a month ago. She died while i'm not arround her. I didn't even saw her before she left. My heart feels heavy until now but knowing that she left something for me, it made me feel a little better. I played the tapes and listened to each one of it all day.

"Hey Charlie! The Charlie that I love so much. How are you today? Me? I got confined and the doctor probably won't let me go now. He said that I should stay here and recover. I just hope i'll get better before our wedding. I'm excited. I am excited to be your Mrs. Jones and to wake up with you everyday. I love you Charlie!"

"Hey! It's my second day here in the hospital and i'm starting to get bored. Maybe it'll be better if you're here with me. I miss making fun of you. Take good care of yourself Charlie! I'll also take care so once you get back here, i'm already fine and our wedding will be the only thing that we'll worry about. I love you Charlie!"

"Goodevening Charlie! Are you outside the house right now? There are lots of stars above and it look so bright. The moon is kinda weird. It is not the usual moon but still, it is beautiful. I am still at the hospital but they got such an amazing view here. I feel like I will stay here for a longer time. I love you Charlie!"

"Fourth day and I am not getting any better. The doctor said it is getting worse but I don't feel it. I still feel the same. Oh no wait, I don't feel the same. Yesterday, I just miss you so much but today I miss you so so so so so so much. I hope you come back soon. I love you so much Charlie!"

"Hello my cuttie cute Charlie! Have you noticed already? That I taped these messages where in fact, they are not that long. I miss you Charlie. Mom just got here and she brought apples. You love apples right? I remember how you eat an apple in just one minute. You look so cute. I miss that. Don't stress yourself too much. I love you Charlie!"

"Charlieeeee! The doctors here are kinda annoying. They keep on nagging and nagging. I am sick of their voices. I want to hear your voice too. I miss your sweet voice. The people near you are so lucky they're able to hear your voice. When you get back here, can you please talk and talk and talk until my eardrums break? I love you Charlie!"

"My voice is not good right now Charlie. If I die one day, I'm not saying i'll die but someday, maybe, decades after our wedding. If I die, please don't be so sad. I know it'll be sad but please don't be too sad. Find something that'll make you happy. Well, you can actually find a new wife if you want. I love you Charlie!"

"Hi Charlie! I can't record longer today. I feel so tired. I love you"


What's wrong with this tape? It's playing but I can't hear anything? Did it got damaged? I'll continue listining to this tomorrow. I'll ask her mom if she has another copy of this.


: It's not damaged.
: But the last tape doesn't have any sound.
: Yeah
: Why?
: After she started recording, she never got to speak. When we found her in her room-
: Wait, what? Room? I thought she's in the hospital?
: No. She doesn't want to go to the hospital. She said that she'll die anyway so she chose to spend all her remaining days in her bed with all your pictures together and with all those tapes. And the day we found her dead in her room, she's lying next to the other tapes and the last tape is still recording. I think she tried to atleast say the words 'I love you' for the last time, but she's not able to say it.


I listened to the last tape again. I listened very carefully and I realized that at the beginning part of the last tape you can hear Aeron breathing but you can't hear anything aside from that. I guess her mom was right. For the last time, she tried saying the words 'I love you' but she can't. You can only hear her breathe but even her breathing sounded like 'I love you'. Aeron trying so hard and not able to say the words 'I love you' for the last time is painful, but you know what's more painful? It's me not being able to say the words 'I love you too'. Not even once.

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