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Kirishima checked each floor, opening each door to tell everyone to evacuate. He knew that time couldn't be wasted. He didn't know which side the building was burning from, but he assumed it was from the third floor, right from his room.

Once he got to the third floor, mostly everyone was cleared out. He stopped in front of his own room, checking to see if Bakugou was inside.

When his soulmate was nowhere to be seen, he felt like he was right. But, being the optimistic red head he was, he still held hope that Bakugou wasn't the traitor.

Kirishima sighed, running to the stairs to evacuate the second floor, or help anyone who was injured. He tried holding his breath, but had inhaled too much smoke already. He passed out on the stairs.
Bakugou watched from the back of the dorms, seeing as the bottom had quickly been taken up by his explosions. Jirou stood next to him, glad the day had come.

"Go stand with the rest of the class." Bakugou demanded, not looking at the purple haired girl.

"What about you?" Jirou asked, her eyes glued to the flames.

"I forgot something inside." Bakugou said, waiting for Jirou to nod and disappear. He walked over to the back door of the dorms, stopping right in front of them. He felt like somebody was behind him, staring at him. As he turned around and nobody was there, he opened the back door, sighing before walking in.

He looked around the common room, looking to see if anyone had gotten trapped. Upon seeing nobody, he started to make his way upstairs.

He walked up to the second floor, about to start walking to the third, when he felt something strange beneath his feet. He looked down, his eyes narrowing at what he saw.

At first, all he saw was red. And not because of the red hair, no. The blood. Bakugou looked at his soulmate, who was passed out on the floor. The red head had blood running down his face from a gash in his forehead.

He examined the boy more before holding his arms out, positioning his hands right next to Kirishima's face.

"K-Katsuki?" Bakugou heard a raspy voice coming from in front of him. His eyes widened as he saw Kirishima put his own hand onto his, lacing their fingers together.

"Fucking... what?!" Bakugou yelled, knowing he couldn't hurt Kirishima while he was awake. Hell, he knew he couldn't hurt him while he was passed out. Bakugou clenched his teeth, watching as Kirishima faded from consciousness again.

"Bakugou, don't do anything you'll regret." Bakugou heard a voice from behind him. He quickly turned around, being met with a familiar blue haired girl.

"What now?!" He yelled, getting impatient. He just wanted to get out of there at this point.

"You were gonna kill him." Blue pointed out the obvious, making Bakugou cross his arms.

"So what? That's none of your business!" Bakugou gritted his teeth, not wanting a lecture.

"Having no soulmate is my business, Bakugou! Actually, I'm well acquainted to the world without one." Blue held up her hand, making Bakugou think about the cut string.

"So your soulmate died, so what?" Bakugou scoffed.

"My soulmate didn't die. I never had one to begin with! Because guess what, Bakugou? I'm not supposed to fucking be here!" Blue was screaming now, hot tears pouring down her face.

"What's that mean?" Bakugou asked, curious to know.

"It means my soul was sent to this world to deal with your bullshit! When you asked me about past lives, I knew something bad was happening. Because guess who I was in my past life. Hatsumi fucking Bakugou!" Blue was now pointing to herself, her eyes closed as she ranted. Bakugou watched as the girl in front of him just cried.

Before Blue knew it, a pair of arms were wrapped around her. She opened her eyes, blinking a few times before taking in the situation.

"Hospital." Blue whispered, pointing to Kirishima. In that moment, looking at Kirishima, something inside Bakugou snapped. As he stared at the blood stains on his soulmate, while more blood leaked out of his wounds, a pool of water started building up in his eyes, streaming down her face.

He quickly wrapped his arms around the red head, picking him up bridal style as the pair rushed out of the burning building. Once they got to the front, Bakugou laid Kirishima down on the grass as everyone surrounded them.

"Get an ambulance..." Bakugou whispered, at first. "GET A FUCKING AMBULANCE!" Bakugou yelled, breaking down over Kirishima's body. Everyone stared as Bakugou cried. Before he knew it, they were being taken to the hospital.

~Time Skip~

Kirishima flinched as he suddenly heard voices around him, not wanting to open his eyes.

"When do you think he's gonna wake up?" Kirishima heard a voice that he identified as Sero.

"Doc' doesn't know..." Kirishima heard someone else, thinking it was Mina.

As he finally started to open his eyes, he adjusted to the sudden light. He looked around, realizing it was just him, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina.

"Bro, you're finally awake!" Kaminari yelled, flinging himself towards Kirishima as he wrapped his arms around him. The other two did the same, greeting their best friend.

"Hey." Kirishima said, hearing how his voice sounded raspy. "How long was I out?"

"A week." Mina chuckled.

"And what happened?" Kirishima asked, looking at the bed he was laying in.

"You don't remember? You saved everyone from the fire, and then after, like, ten minutes, Bakugou came out holding you. You'd be dead if it weren't for him." Kaminari said, smiling. Before he could say anything more, Sero nudged him as Mina gave him a harsh glare.

"Where is Bakugou?" Kirishima asked, making Sero and Mina frown, soon followed by Kaminari.

"Probably with Blue." Sero mumbled, but Kirishima was still able to make it out.

"Why would he be with her?" Kirishima asked, tilting his head.

"They started dating the day after the fire."

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