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Bakugou sat on his bed, waiting for Kirishima to get out of the shower. As he waited, he examined the red string coming from his pinky.

"Why the fuck did I have to get hit?" Bakugou questioned, just as Kirishima came out of the bathroom.

"Get hit with what? You look fine to me." Kirishima said, drying off his hair as he stared at the blond.

"Nothin'. What time did you say the party was?" Bakugou asked, deflecting Kirishima's questions.

"It's later tonight, so we have time. But what did you get hit with?" Kirishima sat next to Bakugou, pulling his legs up so he was sitting criss cross.

"I got hit with a quirk. That's all I'm tellin' ya." Bakugou huffed, pulling out his phone.

"What's the quirk do?" Kirishima asked, more curious than ever.

"I said I wasn't tellin' you anything else." Bakugou scrolled through his contacts, finally picking one. He pressed the call button, hoping the person would answer.

"Heya, Bakugou. I didn't think you'd call me this early on." The bubbly voice on the other line said.

"Whatever, we're having a party at the dorms today. You're coming." Bakugou said, getting a weird look from Kirishima.

"Alrighty. Not like I have my own life. Anyways, did you find your soulmate?" Blue asked, making Bakugou groan at the subject.

"Yeah, Yuki, I did. Now fuck off." Bakugou said, making the girl laugh.

"Dude, you have to chill. Have a look at everyone else's soulmate. Maybe you could be a matchmaker." Blue laughed again, making Bakugou sigh.

"You could literally do it yourself. See ya." Bakugou said, hanging up the phone.

"What was that about?" Kirishima stood up, so he was right next to Bakugou.

"I invited someone." Bakugou said, as if it wasn't obvious.

"That's not what I meant. Who is it?" Kirishima asked, making Bakugou sigh.

"A person I met yesterday. At the park. The one who hit me with their quirk." Bakugou said, not wanting to explain any further.

"And their name is Yuki? What's their quirk?" Kirishima kept questioning the blond, making him slightly annoyed.

"You can call her Blue. I guess that's her nickname or whatever. She can explain her quirk." Bakugou said, making Kirishima feel a little sad that he wouldn't tell him.

It's a girl? Maybe he likes her, and that's why he invited her... I should've known he would never like me. Kirishima sighed, picking up his phone.

"I'm gonna go for a walk." Bakugou said, grabbing an orange hoodie to put over his white t-shirt. He put on black high tops to match his black ripped jeans.

"I guess I'll see you when you get back." Kirishima said, sitting back down on Bakugou's bed.

"You're coming with me, Shitty-Hair." Bakugou scoffed, leaning against the wall as he waited for the red head to get ready. The red head eagerly jumped up from where he was sitting as he shoved some shoes on.

Once he was ready, Bakugou opened the door and started walking towards the stairs.

"Why don't we just take the elevator?" Kirishima asked, stopping Bakugou in his tracks.

"I like the stairs. It draws less attention when I come and go." Bakugou explained, making Kirishima sigh as he dragged Bakugou over to the elevator.

"We're taking the elevator. I'm not walking three flights of stairs." Kirishima said, pressing the down button on the elevator.

"You're training to be a hero and you wont even climb down three flights of stairs?" Bakugou scoffed as he watched the red head walk onto the elevator, following behind him.

"I like when people know I'm leaving. They say bye to me." Kirishima said, making Bakugou roll his eyes.

"If Deku says bye to me because of you, I'm strangling you." Bakugou checked his phone, seeing that it was 11am.

"Yeah, yeah. You'll live. So, where are we going?" Kirishima asked, stepping off of the elevator and waving to his friends that were sitting in the common room.

"The park." Bakugou said as he ignored everyone else. They walked out of the dorm and to where Bakugou had went the previous day.

"Do you go here every day?" Kirishima asked, looking around. He saw a swing set, two slides, monkey bars, and a couple benches. Bakugou nodded as he walked over to a bench right next to a giant tree.

"Ever since middle school started, yeah." Bakugou said, admiring the scenery. His eyes widened when he saw a familiar face walking over to them.

"I thought we were meeting later. You followin' me around, now?" Blue laughed, making Kirishima confused. Blue looked down at the twos hands and a smile spread across her face.

"I come here everyday. And don't say a word." Bakugou said, getting up. "He doesn't know." He whispered, only loud enough for her to hear.

"I'm assuming you're Blue?" Kirishima asked, making her smile wider.

"He told you about me? I feel special." She laughed, nudging Bakugou's shoulder a little.

"He told me you hit him with your quirk. But he wouldn't tell me what his quirk was. He said you could tell me, though!" Kirishima smiled at the girl, examining her features. Her eyes were brown, and her skin was light. She had gold freckles that speckled her face.

"Now? I mean, if you want." Blue took a deep breath, ready to explain.

"Uh, how about tomorrow? After the party? Yeah." Bakugou quickly cut in, making Kirishima suspicious.

"Why not now? We have time." Kirishima said, making Blue laugh.

"He's just nervous. If he doesn't want me to explain, I wont." Blue said, making Kirishima even more suspicious of their relationship.

The three talked until it was time to head back to the dorms. As the three walked, Kirishima could tell Bakugou was zoning out.

"So... how do you feel about Bakugou?" Blue asked, making Kirishima surprised and scared he was right.

"I'm just his friend! Probably his best friend. I mean, he's definitely my best friend. Anyways, how do you feel about him?" Kirishima asked, scared for her reply.

"We're like... friends? I guess, yeah. We met yesterday, and it was because I hit him with my quirk, so I don't think he likes me that much. But he's a cool dude." Blue explained, making Kirishima release a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

"Well, looks like were here." Blue said, gesturing to the large building in front of them. The three walked in, Bakugou finally snapped from his thoughts. As they walked to the couches, they noticed beer bottles not-so-hidden through out the room.

"This is gonna be a long night."

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