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Kirishima sat on the common room couch, surrounded by most of the class. They questioned why he came back down after saying he was going to his room, but he didn't answer. He didn't feel like telling everyone he got kicked out by his roommate, who also happened to be his crush.

"So, what time should the party be?" Mina asked, hoping to draw away the weird stares Kirishima was getting.

The group talked it over as Kirishima sat there, zoned out. An hour passed before Kirishima picked up his phone to check the time.

Bakugou should be asleep by now. Kirishima thought, getting up to go back to his room.

"You going to sleep already?" Sero chuckled, making Kirishima laugh a little.

"Nah, I just wanna hang out with Bakubro for a bit." Kirishima admitted before walking into the elevator. As the elevator door dinged open on the third floor, he silently walked to his room, engulfed in his thoughts on why Bakugou threw him out earlier.

As he walked in, he saw Bakugou on the bottom bunk wrapped in his blanket, making Kirishima think he was sleeping. Little did he know, Bakugou couldn't sleep. Not after he found out that Kirishima was his soulmate.

"Well, I know you can't hear me, 'cause you're sleeping and all. But I don't know what I did to make you kick me out and all, but I'm sorry for whatever it was." Kirishima sat down beside Bakugou's bed, his back against the frame.

Bakugou suddenly felt guilty for making Kirishima think he did something wrong. He fought the urge to sit up and start explaining himself, but he didn't want Kirishima to know they were soulmates. He wanted Kirishima to have someone better than him.

"You looked mad earlier, so I might ask you about that tomorrow. Or not. I hope you're still coming to the party. I would miss you if you weren't there..." Kirishima whispered the last sentence, but Bakugou definitely heard it. Bakugou's face heated up as he thought about what Kirishima meant. He sighed before sitting up and sitting on the ground next to Kirishima.

"What the hell does that mean?" Bakugou asked, shocking Kirishima.

"Y-you're awake?" Kirishima stuttered, which Bakugou thought was cute.

"Congratulations, you have eyes. Now why the fuck would you miss me?" Bakugou asked again, making Kirishima stop talking to think of excuses.

"W-well, I meant the whole class! Yeah, everyone wants the whole class to be there. Especially Midoriya, so he would miss you, too!" Kirishima said, lying straight through his teeth.

"If Deku wants me there, then I'm sure as hell ain't goin'." Bakugou said, about to get up to return to his bed before getting pulled on the arm to sit back down.

"But you told me you'd go!" Kirishima pouted, making Bakugou smirk.

"I say a lot of things. If I said I liked Deku, would you take me seriously?" Bakugou asked, and Kirishima frowned, like he had just been hurt. Kirishima whispered something, but Bakugou couldn't hear. "Repeat what you said."

"Do you?" Kirishima said a little louder so Bakugou could hear, but it was still a whisper.

"Are you being serious right now? I hate Deku's guts." Bakugou sighed, not thinking that Kirishima would actually take what he said to heart.

But why does he look so hurt over it? Bakugou thought as he stared at Kirishima, examining his facial expressions.

"Well look at the time, it's past your bed time." Kirishima jokingly said, making Bakugou scowl. "You better go to bed." Kirishima smiled at the blond.

"Stop being so fucking bright." Bakugou said, getting up from where he was sitting and laying down in his bed, wrapping himself up in his blanket once more.

"You sure you wanna sleep in jeans?" Kirishima asked, still sitting on the ground.

"Why did you notice I was wearing jeans?" Bakugou questioned, but all he got back was a chuckle. He didn't want to get up, so he just flung his jeans and t-shirt on the floor next to Kirishima, leaving him in his boxers.

"Night, dude. And you better be at the party tomorrow." Kirishima said, getting a grunt from Bakugou. He knew Bakugou would show up, because he never lied to him. Maybe to Midoriya, but not to him.

Kirishima took off his own clothes before climbing the ladder to his bed, falling asleep as soon as he covered himself with his blanket.

~Time Skip to Morning~

Bakugou's eyes fluttered open as he heard an alarm going off.

"Who sets an alarm on a Saturday?" Bakugou mumbled, taking out his phone to stop the alarm. However, the alarm wasn't on his phone. He groaned as he got up, stepping on the first step of the ladder to grab Kirishima's phone.

The first thing he was greeted with was a topless Kirishima. Bakugou's face heated up as he stared at Kirishima's chest.

All of a sudden, the alarm stopped. Bakugou looked up to see Kirishima looking back at him.

"Like the view?" Kirishima teased, making Bakugou's face heat up more as he let go of the ladder and aimed his hands at Kirishima. "BAKUGOU I WAS KIDDI-"

"DIE!" Kirishima was cut off by Bakugou activating his quirk, causing an explosion. As a few people ran in, they saw two boys in their boxers, the top of their bunk bed destroyed.

"What happened here?" Their teacher came in, ushering all of the other students out. Once the three were alone, he shut the door.

"We can explain." Kirishima said, Aizawa nodding for him to continue. Bakugou didn't want him to tell their teacher that he was staring at him while he was only in his boxers, so he quickly spoke up.

"He had an alarm set, and it scared me while I was sleeping. So, I accidentally activated my quirk." Bakugou quickly lied, making Aizawa sigh.

"Well, until we get that fixed, one of you have to sleep on the ground. Unless you want to share a bed." Aizawa said, smirking as he walked out.

"I'm not sharing my bed with you." Bakugou quickly said, before Kirishima could even open his mouth. When he turned to the red head, he was smirking.

"You didn't want him to know you were checking me out, huh?" Kirishima asked, making Bakugou's face heat up more. When Bakugou put his hands up again, Kirishima quickly grabbed his arms, pulling him towards him so they were both sitting on Bakugou's bed, Bakugou in Kirishima's lap.

"Relax, I'm joking. And yes, you are sharing your bed with me. Unless you want to sleep on the floor. Because you destroyed my bed." Kirishima laughed, letting go of Bakugou's arms. Bakugou just sat there, frozen at the position they were in. Once Kirishima realized the problem, he moved back so his back was against the wall, and Bakugou was no longer in his lap.

"I'll sleep on the floor." Bakugou mumbled, grabbing a towel and a change of clothes so he could shower.

"I wanna shower first!" Kirishima pouted.

"If you're getting my bed, I'm showering first." Bakugou said, closing the bathroom door.

"I said we could share!"

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