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"What'd I say to Roundface?" Bakugou asked, wanting to know the full story.

"You told her to stop flirting with you, because she would never be as good as your soulmate. And then when she said she could be better than any girl, you told her it was a guy." Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck, hoping Bakugou wouldn't kill him right there.

Instead of killing, Bakugou's mouth fell open.

"You won't tell a single soul. It's not like he'll ever like me anyways." Bakugou sighed, making Kirishima's eyes widen.

"Bro, do you... have a crush on your soulmate?" Kirishima asked, hoping the answer would be 'No'.

"Of course I do, he's amazing." Bakugou said, messing around with his hands. To Kirishima, Bakugou seemed nervous. "If anyone says otherwise, I'll kill 'em." Bakugou started making little explosions from his hands, making Kirishima laugh.

"He must be one lucky guy." Kirishima sighed, a sad smile creeping onto his face. "You planning to tell him?"

"Not at all. He's too good for me." Bakugou got up from where he was sitting and started rummaging around in his backpack.

"Anybody would be lucky to have you." Kirishima mumbled, making Bakugou turn around.

"What'd you say?" Bakugou asked, making Kirishima's face heat up.

"I said... uh... nothing?" Kirishima said, not finding any excuse to hide what he said. He internally cursed himself as Bakugou grabbed his arm, forcing him up from the bed, thinking he would blast him into oblivion.

"We're going to see Yuki." Bakugou said, pulling out his phone and sending a text, most likely to Blue.

"Who's Yuki?" Kirishima asked, but his question was left unanswered as Bakugou shoved on some shoes, throwing some at Kirishima in the process. Once Kirishima finished, Bakugou bolted out the door, still holding on to Kirishima's arm.

As they finally got to the park, they saw Blue sitting on the bench where she first hit Bakugou. He ran over to her, panting, dragging Kirishima behind him.

"I need you... to use... your quirk... on him." Bakugou said, panting between statements.

"Are you sure?" Blue asked, looking at the two boys with a questioning look.

"Yes, I'm sure! Or I wouldn't have called you out here on a Sunday!" Bakugou yelled, making Blue laugh and put her hands up defensively.

"Alrighty." Was the last thing Blue said before a flash of light hit Kirishima, not letting him have any say in the matter. As he looked around, examining all the strings around him, until his eyes stopped at his own hand.

"We're... soulmates?" Kirishima questioned, getting a quick nod from Bakugou. As Bakugou closed his eyes and waited for the rejection to hit, all he felt was a pair of arms around him.

He slowly opened his eyes, seeing a smiling Kirishima with his arms around his neck.

"What are you...?" Bakugou couldn't even finish his question when Kirishima pulled away, still smiling at the blond. "You're not disappointed?" Bakugou finally asked, getting a confused look from Kirishima.

"Why would I be disappointed? You're the coolest dude I've ever met!" Kirishima said, tilting his head.

"Before you guys start gushing your emotions to each other, go back to your dorm. We wouldn't want Bakugou here to show emotions that aren't anger in public." Blue laughed, along with Kirishima. But Bakugou, like always, positioned his hands in front of him, ready to activate his quirk.

Before he could, Kirishima dragged him away, bringing him back to the dorms, like Blue had suggested. Kirishima ignored all the waves he was receiving, heading straight for the stairs.

"No elevator this time?" Bakugou chuckled as they finally made it to their dorm, but was cut off when Kirishima pressed his lips against his. Bakugou tensed up at first, not expecting his first kiss that he can remember to be in his dorm room.

Once Kirishima pulled away, he smiled at the blond.

"What was that for?" Bakugou asked, not used to affection.

"Because, I like you! And I thought since you said all those things about your 'soulmate', which happened to be me, that you probably like me too. Unless you don't and I just screwed everything up." Kirishima whispered the last sentence, but Bakugou still heard it.

"Of course I like you, dumbass! What I don't get is why you like me." Bakugou said, dragging the red head to sit on the bed.

"Because you're amazing, and super manly! Like the other day, when you blasted Mineta with a big explosion for trying to sneak in to the girls baths!" Kirishima said, making Bakugou's face heat up.

"I guess you aren't bad yourself." Bakugou mumbled, not able to form a real compliment, being the tsundere he is.

"Aw, thanks, Bakubro!" Kirishima smiled, knowing that was Bakugou's way of calling him awesome.

"Whatever." Bakugou scoffed, rolling his eyes in the process. He turned his head, which Kirishima assumed was to hide how red his face was getting.

"So, what does that make us?" Kirishima asked, hoping Bakugou wanted to be his boyfriend.

"Friends, and nothin' more. You deserve better, or whatever." Bakugou said, getting up and grabbing his backpack. Before Kirishima could object, Bakugou was already out the door, leaving a stunned Kirishima sitting on their bed.

"Did I just get rejected?" Kirishima whispered to himself, not actually understanding what just happened. When his brain processed that Bakugou had left, he ran out of his dorm to find him.

He rushed down the stairs to the common room, ready to ask if they'd seen Bakugou. He walked over to the couches, where Todoroki, Tsuyu, Iida, and Uraraka were sitting.

"Has anyone seen Bakugou?" Kirishima asked, getting a 'No.' from everyone but Todoroki.

"Izuku texted saying he went to our dorm. I don't know why, though." Todoroki said, eating some soba.

"Thanks!" Kirishima yelled out, running up the stairs to the second floor, stopping in front of Midoriya's room. He knocked, waiting for a response.

When Midoriya opened the door, his eyes immediately widened, closing the door halfway so Kirishima couldn't see inside.

"Hey, bro. Todoroki said Bakugou came here. Can I talk to him?" Kirishima asked, but Midoriya shook his head no.

"I don't think now is a good time." Midoriya smiled, hoping Kirishima wouldn't walk right in like Bakugou had done.

"Please? I just wanna talk." Kirishima begged, making Midoriya sigh.

"Kacchan, talk to Kirishima." Midoriya said, opening the door wider. Kirishima didn't know what to expect, but he definitely didn't expect to see Bakugou sitting on Midoriya's bed, his eyes puffy and red.

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