15-urgent call

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The next morning was quiet peaceful for jungkook. He sat there in the park with taehyung being at his side.They were just watching the surrounding when taehyung suddenly remembered something.

"Oh right!!!the poem!!!here,have it...hope you impress your Russian friend",he said while handing a paper to him.But jungkook only shrugged while getting it.

"Thanks, tae.But now its not needed.I met Michael yesterday evening after i left you coincidentally and he said that every single word that came from my mouth is like a poem to him and he doesn't need a poem separately.How romantic, isn't it tae??",he said while keeping the paper safely inside his bag.

"More like cringy",taehyung said lowly so that jungkook could not hear him.But offcourse he heard and was having a mini dance show inside his head.

"What was that,tae??i couldn't hear you",he said acting innocent.

"Its nothing, bunny. I just said that Michael is really a romantic guy",taehyung said saltily.

"Yeah,that's right...you should really meet him.He is such a nice guy.I have a feeling that you both will be great friends",jungkook said.

"Yeah sure,bunny...come let's go",taehyung said and got up to go.


"To meet Michael",he said as a matter of fact which made jungkook nearly to faint.

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!!!asdfghjkl@#$%^i thought that he won't accept.Why did he agree???where will i find this Michael guy now??",jungkook thought and ran after taehyung to stop him.

"Tae,you don't need to cancel all your schedule to meet him.I would really be upset if you do that",he said hoping that it would stop him.

"I am totally free,bunny. Come on,let's go",was the only reply he recieved.

"No,tae....Michael will get jealous if he see's me with you.He can be really possessive at times, you know??",jungkook added.

"This only ignites my curiosity even more,bunny.I must really meet him now",taehyung said and jungkook felt like his soul left his body.

"Wait,tae...let me call him to confirm that he is still in paris.He said that he has to go back but didn't say the date",jungkook said while calling heechul immediately.

"Hi kookie",heechul said in a tired voice.

"Hii!!!where are you??",jungkook asked while smiling.

"I am actually in the bathroom now,kookie. Yesterday, i bought pizzas for you and me.As you didn't come,i ate yours too and my stomach is upset now.For the past hour,i am in the bathroom",heechul said and jungkook made an annoyed face.

"How could you do this to me!!!???",he said clearly annoyed.

"I am sorry,kookie. Next time i'll buy you a whole pizza.Don't be mad at me??",heechul pleaded.

"So,when are you leaving??".

"Leaving??no,kookie. I'll ask for a door delivery. I am not in a right shape to go out now.By the looks of it,i think that i will be in the bathroom for the whole day",he said and jungkook heard a very loud fart sound.

"Fine,be safe",jungkook said trying hard to hide the disgusting feeling building inside him.

"Kookie~~it's just diarrhea... don't worry~~",he said.

"Ok~~bye",jungkook said and cut the call immediately not really wanting to hear the disgusting sounds anymore.

"What is it,bunny???can we go now??",taehyung asked who was weirdly enthusiastic.

"Tae~~actually that idiot left paris last night after meeting me.He didn't even say me that he is leaving that night",jungkook said with a pout and taehyung internally died seeing that cute pout.

"Maybe something urgent came up suddenly",taehyung said still eyeing the pout.

"Yeah!!!sorry tae.You were so eager in meeting my friend.But that idiot left without notice.Next time,tae??",he asked and taehyung just nodded.

"Yeah next time"....

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