Chapter 26: Confessions

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I'm woken up by someone shaking my shoulders roughly. That and the painful pounding in my head.

What the hell?

"Hero! Wake the bloody hell up," Mercy's loud obnoxious voice intensifies my headache and I groan, swatting her hand away from me and rolling over to the other side of the bed. I expect to touch a soft body... Jo's soft and warm body next to me in the bed but I don't. I've been spending every night with her and to not feel her now wakens me up more than Mercy's efforts. I force myself to sit on the bed, cracking my eyes open and squinting at the brightly sunlit room. Blinking, I try to focus on Mercy who is standing by my side, her hands on either sides of her hips, glaring down at me.

"What's you fucking problem sis?" I grunt whilst roaming my eyes around the room. This isn't Jo's room; this is mine.

Why the fuck am I here?

And then memories of yesterday floods my mind, making the pounding a hundred times painful, almost unbearable. Jo. Timothy. The roses. Running. Greeting Jo a happy birthday. Mercy and Elle. The bar. Elle.


"Remember now?" Mercy barks, making me jump. I forgot she's just standing there by my side.

Panic rises up in my chest, constricting my breathing, as I recall someone coming into the room before I passed out. Was it Jo? Fuck! What if it was her?

"Where's Jo?" I jump out of bed, or more like stumble, and realize that I'm still wearing my clothes from yesterday. "Mercy, where the fuck is Jo?" I yell this time after she doesn't answer me for a minute.

"She's in her room Hero, still sleeping." The relief that floods through my body makes me weak and my knees almost give out. The way Mercy puts it, Jo still has no clue about what happened last night between Elle and I. "You're such a little shit, you know that right?" Mercy spits, her eyes angry and that anger is directed at me.

"It was you? Last night... someone came in, it was you then?" I ask.

"Yes and thank god Jo wasn't with me. What the fuck were you thinking kissing Elle like that? And if I hadn't come on time, you'd probably done worse that just kiss! You have a girlfriend Hero and she was just a couple rooms away from you last night, un-fucking-believable!"

"I wasn't thinking, alright? I wanted to forget so I got shit-faced drunk and I don't really know what I was thinking kissing Elle like that. All I know for sure is that I think Jo's cheating on me." The last sentence comes out as a whisper, not wanting to voice it out. Not wanting it to be real.

"What? How could you say she's cheating on you?" She asks, stunned.

"It's not important. I don't want to talk about it," I mumble as I make my way to the door but Mercy beats me to it and pushes at my chest. "What?"

"Just in case you're forgetting something... you cheated on Jo last night with Elle. How the hell are you gonna tell her that?"

"I don't know, okay? I just... I want to see her Mercy. I'll think of something later."

"You don't understand it, do you?" She shakes her head in disappointment. "You have to come clean to her Hero because if she finds out, which I assure you will happen one of these days, you're definitely going to lose her."

"I am not losing her," I grit, my jaw clenching.

"Elle's planning on telling Jo," she says carefully and my breathing hitches.

The fuck!

"No! She will do nothing. I'll think of something, just... help me out here sis," I beg her, fully aware of my desperation. She stares at me intently for a long moment before finally nodding and huffing out of the way.

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