Chapter 22: Bitchy Molly Makes A Comeback

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It's been a month since that goddamn article was publicized and went viral in a matter of hours. But the moment our official statement was released that same day-courtesy of Jamie-the scandal eventually died down. It most certainly helped when our movie's official Instagram page finally replaced Julia's picture with Jo's as Tessa; behind the scene videos and pictures of Jo and I with the rest of the cast were posted almost on a daily; interviews about the movie were done and posted on social media. All of these were done as an effort to divert the attention of fans and for them to finally see how much of a Tessa Jo is than Julia ever was. To no one's surprise, everyone instantly fell in love with Jo and they have been buzzing about how perfect she is for the lead role and that now they understand how Anna and the other producers and Jenny arrived at the decision to replace Julia and Jo got the role.

So far, everything's been great-movie making wise and relationship wise. Mine and Jo's relationship has progressed into something I never thought I'd find with someone. She is amazing, a fact which I already knew the moment I met her, but it just seems like everyday I discover something brilliant about her. May it be some very random and tiny details like how she'd put toothpaste on a dry toothbrush before soaking it in or running it under some water, or some major details of her life while growing up in Perth like how she actually never learned to surf despite living near the ocean with an almost year-round summer weather.

Everyone in the cast and crew already knows about our relationship and has been very supportive with keeping it discreet from everyone outside the circle. This makes everything easier for both Jo and I, really. We can freely flirt and I can always find any sort of ways to touch and even grope her on set without having to worry what everyone else would think. I've also made a habit of waiting for Jo when her filming runs longer than mine; I'd even tag along on days I'm not actually needed on set-all just so I could spend more time with her.

"Love, aren't you done yet?" I call out from the other side of the bathroom door. She's locked herself up in there for more than an hour already and we're already running late.

Sam has texted me multiple times that they're all waiting up on us at the lobby. My phone buzzes and it's another text from him saying they'll just meet us up at the bar. Today is a Tuesday and we are supposed to go out with the rest of the cast for tacos and tequila. We've come to call it Tacos and Tequila Tuesdays, a weekly tradition stemming from our second week into filming. It's kind of brilliant and, let's face it, necessary for destressing especially after long hours of filming emotional scenes.

"Babe..." Jo squeaks from the other side, the sound slow that it makes me doubt if I'm just hearing things. "Can we like... bail for tonight?" She says, this time louder.

"What? Why?" I ask, confused. We never bail on any plans with the cast, especially Jo who has formed a strong bond with Anna and Pia. The door cracks open and her head pops out, a nervous glint on her eyes. Alright, she's definitely up to something. "What is it Josephine?" I ask with a frown.

She blows out a breath in exaggeration, rolling her eyes adorably before smirking. "Go sit on the bed." When I make no move for the bed, she pouts, "Please?" With a groan, I walk towards the bed and sit on its edge.

What the bloody hell is this woman up to now?

"Any minute now babe. Sam's blowing up my phone," I yell impatiently.

The bathroom door finally opens up and she steps out from it. My jaw literally drops to the floor, my eyes bugging out of their sockets and I swear... I fucking swear, my heart stops pumping for a few seconds as she sashays her way to me, her hips swaying seductively. She stands a meter away from me in all her glory. I don't know how she pulled this off or even why she's doing this but I really don't give a single damn about all of those trivial details right now. I take all of her in and swallow hard, my throat suddenly parched and my cock suddenly standing in ovation.

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