Chapter 16: Come To Bed With Me?

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It feels like I'm in a dream-like state as Hero and I make our way back to the hotel. I know what it meant when I said let's go back to my hotel room. I know it. He knows it.

I want him.

I want him like I've never wanted anyone else before him. It's an exhilarating feeling knowing that the man you want the most feels the same way about you. Hero wants me; he's said it before and he's made it very clear with all his not so subtle advances every chance he could get.

Every kiss, every touch, every sound that falls from our lips seems like a dream yet could not be more real. Like an out of body experience.

I haven't gone this far with any of the guys I've dated before, well intimately speaking of course. There really is no deep-rooted reason why I haven't given up my virginity to anyone. I mean, it's not like I wanted to wait until marriage or whatnot. I guess it just never felt right with any of them. But with Hero, it's different.


I wouldn't have invited him to my hotel room if I didn't want my first time to be with him. However, the moment I'm holding the packet of condom between my fingers, it all suddenly feels more real. I'm really doing this. We're really going to have sex.

And now I can't help but be shy about all of this.

Gone is the woman who demanded he kiss her in the club. Gone is the woman who invited him to her room. Gone is the woman who shoved him against the door and kissed him passionately. Gone is the woman who asked him to unzip her clothe. In its place stands a woman who is awkwardly holding a packet of condom between her fingers, her mind and heart racing with thoughts of what is to come.

"How would you like to be fucked babe?" Hero asks, his voice deep and husky, so entirely male and seductive and a shiver runs down my spine at the sound.

"W-what?" I stupidly stammer. Oh my god, I'm such a loser.

"Would you like me to fuck you on your feet? Bend you over the bed? Or would you like to be in control and on top of me?"

Fucking hell, that sound so hot especially with his British accent!

"I-I don't... I don't know Hero," I stutter again. What the fuck is wrong with me? I want this, I truly do. The thought of him fucking me while I'm still on my feet, or him bending me over the bed and entering me from behind or me riding him as I take control on our bodies floods my mind and the pulsating need in my center intensifies. I could feel the dampness of my panties, my wetness soaking the thin material of lace and satin. My mind is racing but I can't seem to process it all and clearly, my confidence has evaporated into thin air.

"It's okay babe, you don't have to be shy about it. Tell me... I want our first time together to be unforgettable," he says reassuringly while he kneads my breasts deliciously. He's so good at this.

"Well..." I start to say, deciding to tell him about my lack of experience in sex. "I-It's my first time so I don't really know..." I trail off, too embarrassed to continue.

He stays silent and unmoving as I wait for him to finally comprehend my words. The seconds tick by and when he finally speaks, his voice drips with shock and disbelief. "You're a virgin?" he asks and I wince at the way the words come out of his mouth-like it's a bad thing that I haven't had any sexual experience before.

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