Chapter 5: Never Have I Ever

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I check my breath for the last time before tapping on Jo's door. My heart is pounding against my chest uncontrollably since I walked out of my hotel room for our movie night.

Is this a date?

Before I could decide what the hell to call it, the door opens wide and Jo is standing there with her silk button down pyjama top and matching shorts. Cute.

"Come on in. I hope you don't mind, I already made myself comfortable," she gestures to her pyjamas.

"No, not at all. But I hope you're not planning on dozing off on me," I chuckle which in turn, makes her giggle.

I go to settle onto the couch when she says, "The bed's more comfortable."

I almost had a heart attack upon hearing her words. Me. Her. On her bed. Together.

Play it cool Hero.

"Yeah, yeah," I say as if my heart's not nearly bursting out of my chest with excitement.

She grabs her laptop off the desk and sits on her bed. I kick off my slides and get comfortable, adjusting her pillows behind my back. She turns her laptop on and fiddles with it as I just sit there, staring at her. She's so close to me, I could see every freckle on her beautiful face and I'm drowning in her incredibly delectable scent. She finally finds the movie and before she hits play, she turns to me with a sly grin on her face. Her face is just inches away from me and I could smell her minty breath fanning my chin and I want to kiss her so terribly-just smash my lips to hers and devour her, to know how delicious she tastes. But she's already resting back to the headboard and the movie is already starting as I sit there frozen.

Clearing my suddenly dry throat, I rest back to the pillows and stretch my legs out in front of me. We watch the movie as she narrates what happened behind the scenes in some parts of the movie. I watch the parts with her character with focus, in awe of her acting ability. She's truly fucking amazing.

"How can you act like such a wicked person when in fact you have such a wonderful personality?" I ask out of nowhere. We are now in the part when Jo's character's skin's rot.

"I don't know, it just comes out when I want it to. It's pretty cool actually. Like people don't expect this side to sweet little Josephine and then I act it out and they're like, where the hell did that come from?" She giggles.

I haven't really noticed that as we watch the movie, our bodies have unconsciously moved closer together. Now, we are practically shoulder to shoulder and our arms would brush against each other every so often. My whole body is buzzing and I could feel this slow burn from within me, gently spreading throughout my entire body. I will my mind to concentrate on the movie and not on the fact that the most wonderful and beautiful woman I've come across is sitting beside me, on her bed and I could feel her every breath, her every little movement. I could almost hear her heart beating. Almost.

When the credit rolls out, a huge part of me is deflated by the thought of leaving her room. I still want to stay here, with her. So I say the only thing that comes to my mind. "Want to do some shots? We still have tomorrow off."

Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes.

"Sure, I think I need a drink or two anyway," she agrees.

I call room service and order a bottle of tequila with some lemons and salt. We sit there on her bed, waiting for room service as I ask her all the random questions I could think about.

"What type of music do you like?" I ask her.

"I'm kind of an old soul so I'd say The Rolling Stones. You?"

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