Chapter 1: Table Reading

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Whatever our souls are made of, hers and mine are the same.

I snort. Easy for Hardin to say about his Tessa. They're made for each other. They're each other's soulmate.

Can't say the same for Julia and myself though-even for just the camera. Fuck! We just don't have that chemistry both on and off screen. We've been in Atlanta for two weeks... two fucking full weeks doing rehearsals and yet it still feels off. The way we can't seem to get each other's rhythm when it comes to the kissing scenes, the way we can't connect even with just our eyes, the way it feels so awkward having her touch me and vice versa and the way her body just doesn't fit with mine. And all of these things translate onto the screens. Jenny, our director, has grown frustrated as well.

I hate to think about it since this is my first major project which l'm luck enough to be casted as one of the leads-Hardin Scott- but I don't think this film is gonna take off.


When I heard the news from Anna that I got the role, I immediately read the first book and... wow! The way Anna wrote her characters, their passion, their love, their flaws and all their imperfections just amazed the shit out of me. I was so hyped to act out Hardin's character in this movie and immediately started memorising the script once I got them. I'm ready for this. I'm ready for my big break and playing Hardin's character is just what I need to make a name for myself.

But now... now that we've been trying so hard to create this chemistry between Julia and I that somehow just won't work out, I can't help but feel disappointed. Even with the help of Anna being there practically 24/7 during our rehearsals, guiding both of us and explaining to us the emotions behind our characters in each scene, it still doesn't work out somehow. And to think that we haven't even officially started filming. The rest of the cast aren't even here yet. Not hating on anyone here but judging by how they casted Julia as Tessa, I'm not gonna be surprised if the other cast won't fit their characters as well.

This is such a mess.


Anna informed me that the rest of the cast has finally arrived today and later this afternoon will be our table reading before a welcoming dinner. Great. I hope I can find someone, anyone else really, to talk to aside from Julia. I don't know what it is about her but she's just so fucking annoying. I guess she isn't that bad; she actually is a nice person but she's just too prissy and can be really obnoxious.

As I exit my hotel room to grab a quick lunch at the corner deli, I get a whiff of a mix of lavender and vanilla and something else that I just can't quite figure out, a very enticing smell, intoxicating even. I snap my head to the left but find the hallway empty, so I turn to look at my right and I get a glimpse of a woman turning to another hallway, a large suitcase in tow. It isn't enough though, I wasn't able to see even her side profile. I just notice that she had dark blonde, almost brown, hair. Somehow, I find myself following her trail in long strides but when I turn the same corner she turned to, I hear a door shutting close and she is nowhere to be found.

Wait, what the bloody hell am I doing? Following a lady just because she smelled good?

I shake my head before turning for the elevator. Maybe I'm just hungry and she just smelled so sweet that's why I had the urge to follow her.

She didn't smell good, she smelled divine.

Alright stop. I need to focus. It's difficult enough with having Julia as my co-star, I don't need any more distractions from this film.

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