Chapter 20: I Will Fucking Kill You

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"How are you holding up?" Hero whispers in my ear as we listen to Jamie's and Jennifer's back and forth discussion on how best to address the dirt Julia has thrown our way.

I don't know what to say to that. This day has been such a rollercoaster that I feel like I've been dodging curveball after curveball from the moment I woke up a few hours ago. First, Pia and Khadijha found Hero in my room early in the morning. Next, Hero declares that we are now in an actual relationship. And then I read that damn article about Julia accusing me of sleeping with Hero just so I could snatch the lead role in the movie from her. My parents wanted me to pack everything up and go home to Perth and forget about my dreams of becoming an actress. And now... now, we're here in Anna's suite discussing whether to issue an official statement confirming mine and Hero's relationship and denying all allegations thrown at us by Julia and maybe even demanding an apology while considering legal actions... or to ignore the issue altogether-to which Jamie is extremely against since it would still be damaging to both mine and Hero's image if we keep our silence.

Maybe I'm hurt? Angry, sort of. Confused? Definitely. Exhausted for sure.

I've never been in this kind of situation before. Hell, I've never been the center of any issue before. I even doubt if the large media companies know about my existence... until now that is. Yes, I know what I've signed up for when I decided to pursue a career in acting. There's no escaping the attention and scrutiny. I'm not that stupid or naïve to think that I'd be exempted from all of those, I just didn't expect it to be this sudden and at this level of scandal. It's too much, too early in my career. Fuck! I've just landed my first ever lead role four days ago, four fucking short days, and it's already been twisted into something like a god damn Hollywood drama of sorts.

Will it always be like this?

Are mum and dad actually right this time that I should just pack everything and go home? No. I shouldn't cave in. I did absolutely nothing wrong. I didn't steal Tessa from Julia. It was given to me fair and square. If I give up now, I lose and she wins. If I leave now, how sure am I that this issue won't follow me around like a ghost?

"Love," Hero whispers again, bringing me out from my thoughts. I didn't realize I haven't actually given him an answer being too caught up in my own mind and all. He has this worried look on his face which makes my heart tighten. I don't want him to worry too much about me. This is as much as a scandal on his part as it is on mine. Both of our careers are in the line here if we don't get our shit together and face the problem head on

"Yeah, just tired," I say, throwing him a weak smile which is supposed to reassure him that I am indeed just fine but it ends up looking like a wince.

"I think we'll be done in just a bit," he says into my temple before planting a soft kiss on it. I freeze, sucking a deep breath. Nervously, I take a peek at Anna, Jamie, Jennifer and Jenny. Every eye in the room are on us for a beat before they avert their attention-not so subtly, I might add-and continue with where they left off. Hero being all over me in front of other people feels so strange yet so comforting; in short, I am impartial about his public display of affection. I don't know if I should melt into his arms and let him protect me from everything that's going on around us or if I should keep my distance and act professional in front of everyone since we are trying to solve this scandal that stemmed out of Hero and I being all over each other in the first place. I decide to maintain my composure while staying by his side.

This should probably be good enough.


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