{chapter 1}

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The faint sound of pages being flipped echoed through out the library. I sit alone in a empty table with nothing but the clothes on my back and a dusty book in front of me. The pages, written in the now dead language to mankind, yet still being taught to this day, tainted with dots of blood and possibly water or tears, sat there. Almost waiting to be read. Upon curiosity, I continue to flip through the pages, looking at the pictures and stories that are possibly thousands of years old. More stories, so many stories, I must find more.
{End Prologue}

{The new beginning}


"So you're the new gal aye?" A man's voice spoke from behind me. I turn around from the door of the room I had rented for the night and was met with a man with scruffy hazelnut hair with tinges of blonde in it. His blue eyes sparkled in the ray of the rising sun from the open windows. "You must Ronny, my partner correct?" I asked. He nods with a gentle smile "It's good to finally meet you. I gotta be honest I was hoping to have met you last night when we were at the meeting room with Notch and the big miners but you weren't there." "My apologies for that, I had fallen behind schedule when traveling here so I was unable to make it on time." I responded before turning back around to grab my two luggages. "Welp, the cart is ready for us. You wanna head out now or get something to eat first?" Ronny asked. I look at the nearest clock on the wall.
10:30 am. I shook my head "It would take about a good portion of the day to get there especially on foot. I suggest we leave immediately." Ronny nods happily before reaching for his bag and walking off. I follow behind him while he talks out his excitement. "Can you believe Notch is letting us mine in the forbidden lands of Minecraftia?? I hear that Obsidian and bedrock miners used to mine there all the time for its riches!"
"But would soon perish due to how dangerous it is."
"Yeah, In a weird way, I feel excited and nervous all at once. I mean! We are the first miners to ever step foot in the forbidden lands in centuries! I wonder why though." Ronny wondered.
I remained quiet until we got to the wagon. Setting my bags into it and sitting on the benches across from Ronny. As soon as we sat down the villager began to motion the horse to move. There was a little bit of silence between us until Ronny spoke "I never got your name. Mind I ask what it is?"
"Y/N. Sorry I didn't say earlier. It's been awhile since I've introduced myself to new people."
"It's quite alright. On the bright side though, we get to have months worth of getting to know each other."
I smirk a little "Starting with now, let's play twenty questions." Ron chuckles before thinking for a moment, then asking me a question.
I've learned a lot about Ron. He is 20, has two sisters and his mom, he's a Obsidian miner which is third best ranked next to emerald being second and bedrock being first. He was a cat person, he grew up studying the history of mob culture for a little while before turning to mining. I take a bite out of the bread Ronny had packed. Eventually it turned to him asking me questions again "So I got 5 questions, how long have you been a miner for? Why have you chosen this job? How do you feel about going to the forbidden lands? What do you like for breakfast? And last but not least have you ever wondered why Notch made the forbidden lands.... forbidden?"
I take a moment to process the questions, thinking of answers for each question before answering "I've been a miner for a good 4 years now. I picked this job cause I enjoy being alone so I figured going to secluded lands work. I feel rather excited to be going to the forbidden lands, I can only imagine how many abandoned mines are there. What I like for breakfast? F/F with F/D. And why the lands are forbidden? Well..." I pause for a little while before responding "I like to read books. So when Notch had offer me to join you in mining at the forbidden lands I decided to do some research on it. Legend has it miners would flee from the lands or go missing because of a ghost that haunts the land. I don't know if the stories of this spirit were true but apparently it used to been a god roaming these lands side by side with Notch. Also known as Herobrine, or Notch's brother."
"THAT creepy dude!?? Isn't he some old folks tale to tell children who misbehave?" Ronny asked with a slight look of disgust. I frown a little at the description he used. Creepy? Sure the stories people say about him in the books are creepy but I don't think he's creepy in personality wise. Then again what do I know? I've never even met the man.
"Besides, I highly doubt Notch would let us go mining in the lands where the spirit of a evil god roams at. Then again, I HIGHLY doupt he's even real." Ronny exclaimed before taking a huge gulp of his water. I nod in agreement "Yeah, Notch did say the land is forbidden from humans due to the majority of it watched over by the Pillager outpost. And poison gases from over use in potions spreading across that area." "Poison gas???" Ronny said with a slight worried tone. "Notch said there was, but it has finally dissipated a few hundred years ago." I reassured. Before we realized it the wagon was pulled to a stop. The villager who was in front turned and spoke "Sorry you two, this is as far as I can go without a warrant." Ronny and I both look to each other then to the forest. Without any second to waist we both grabbed all our things and got moving.

(Hope you like this chapter. I will be posting the next chapter tomorrow morning. And yes I did say the chapters will post every two day but I'd like to start with one chapter per day for a bit. Anyways hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this new story! And Goodnight!)

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