Family Encounters

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Airplanes make me sick. Like really sick. I don't even see how people can ride them all the time. Or maybe it wasn't the airplane that was making me sick. Maybe it was all the numerous articles I've been reading for the past hour since I've been on this plane. Because now when you Google my name, the first thing that comes up are numerous articles on how I "attacked" the paparazzi. I've been trending on Twitter today about it by all of Justin's fans and I don't know how to feel about everything.

As much as I wanted to handle and fix everything, I couldn't. Because now instead of staying in London, I am currently on a plane to see my mom all the way in Georgia.

Ty wouldn't tell me much except the fact that she's in the hospital. That adds another hard rock on my shoulder because as much as I want to say that I don't care about her and that I wasn't gonna see her, I couldn't. She's still my mom. And despite all the shitty things that she's done to me in the past, a small part of me still loves her.

My phone rang in the seat next to me and I picked it up without looking.

"Riley baby. You okay?" It was Justin.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm like three hours away from Atlanta. How's everything going in London?"

"Good. I think Summer's flight leaves today. How is the jet? I tried to find you the best one with the best pilot." He said in a worried voice. I rolled my eyes and laughed softly.

"It's fine. I'm fine." He was silent on the other line for a few seconds and I thought he hung up.


"Yes babe I'm here. I'm just really sorry about what happened with the paparazzi and the fans. I should have gotten you security guards to take you home or something. It's all my fault and I'm sorry."

"Don't blame yourself for what happened. None of us knew that I would even get noticed on the street by some strangers. It's not your fault. Especially with the paparazzi. He was just getting too close and I freaked out for a second. Don't blame yourself." Justin was quiet on the other line for a while and I could tell that he obviously didn't agree with me. "Anyways, Usher called me today and told me he was taking a jet to Georgia to come and see you and your mom."

"Aww, a family gathering. How sweet." The sarcasm in my voice was strong as Justin laughed softly.

"Don't think of it as a negative thing. Just be grateful that you finally have some closure in your life and you can start a new chapter."

"A new chapter? Yeah, too bad this isn't a book with some perfect ending. I don't know, I just feel like everything is going to be a disaster when I get there."

"You don't know that. And even if it's true, so what? You were bound to work it out somehow." What Justin was saying was kind of right. But there was something inside of me that was making me think otherwise.

"I gotta go, but I'll call you when I land okay?"

"Scout's honor?" I giggled in response.

"Scout's honor."

"Be safe and I'll call you later okay? I love you."

"I love you too." The second I hung up I threw my head back into the seat and sighed. At least the seats were comfortable. My mind was flooded with questions on what I was gonna say to my mom when I got there. Would she even want to see me? Is Ty gonna be by my side in the room? Is she dying?

I also thought of everything that has happened in the past few months. Who knew that I would be sitting on a private jet to go see my mother out of all people? If you told me that two years ago I probably would have laughed in your face. But this is real. Not only did I go through so much bull in the past few months, there were some positive outcomes. Like Justin, or traveling the world. Even having the strength to forgive Brandon, the boy who was madly in love with me and fell into the wrong path. Justin had a point. I gotta move on and start a new chapter. Life is too short and I gotta stop stressing over the what-if's.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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