The Boy Behind The Purple Glasses

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  ll Story by AsiaLovesYou94 ll


   I'm gonna give you three words that basically describe my life, and/or life story. My. Life. Sucks! Some days I wish in hopes that one day, I'll find happiness. That one day I'll believe in all my 11-11 wishes, coins in a wishing wells, stray lashes, and my special birthday candles. Shoot, even find my Prince Charming to sweep me off my feet. Being born as an only child, my life was pretty easy. Growing up in Georgia was a breeze too. I am gonna be straight forward with you and tell you that I don't know my father. Never seen him, never heard of him, don't even know if he even exists. But whatever. As a child, I always wanted to know who my father was. Every time I asked my Mom she would always say, "not a good one". Not really much of a good description. My Mom was the number one person that I loved and always counted on. That is, before she became a drug addict. You see, she wasn't always like this. It's just that when I turned thirteen, things took a turn for the worst. 

  When I was six years old, my mom married my stepfather. His name was Ian and when I say he was rich, He. Was. Rich. He treated me and Mom like queens, taking us shopping, going to Paris, and the list goes on and on.  We lived in a mansion in the rich part of Georgia. I remember it like it was yesterday. I always thought of Ian as my father. He always called me his Little Princess and would take me wherever I wanted to go. Soon enough I started calling him Daddy. As I look back now, I could see why. He was always there for me and if I was ever having a problem, he was always there to give me advice or to just cheer me up. When I turned thirteen and started dating guys, he was always protective of me no matter what. I thought my life was perfect, a fairytale even. But not for long. This day still lingers in the back of my head and it always will.

It was really rainy one night, and at the time I was thirteen. I was in my room with my boyfriend Tyler. Me and him were dating for three months back then, and we were always together. Ian didn't approve of him since he was fifteen, but he was the sweetest guy ever. He snuck into my windows during the night so Ian wouldn't see him. That was how it was for those three months. But don't worry, I was still a virgin. Me and him were cuddling on my bed, watching TV when I started hearing yelling going on between Ian and my mom. Tyler got startled and thought they were gonna come in my room, so I kissed him goodbye as he left out the balcony. I crept out of my room, hoping that they wouldn't hear me as I peeked out of the first step. By the looks of it, they weren't very happy.

  "How could you cheat on me like that Karen! What was going through your mind when I caught you just now?!" My heart was racing as I saw Ian's eyes filled with mixed emotions: Angry, shocked, hurt, sad. I felt sorry for him as I continued to watch the argument.  

"Well we haven't did anything in a while Ian! So I figured that if you won't give it to me, someone else will!" As those words came out of my mother's mouth, I instantly was angry. How could she? After all that Ian has done for us, how could she go out and do that? While I was upstairs at that! Ian's eyes were soon filled with hurt as he looked at my Mom. 

  "You know what Karen? Get out. I want you out of this house by the time I get back. And by the way, Riley is staying. I will fight for her if I have to!" And with that, Ian left. Little did I know, that would be the last time I would see him. 

 It was only two in the morning, and I just couldn't bring myself to go to sleep knowing that my dad is still out there. After what seemed like years of trying to fall asleep, I did. But not to be awakened by banging sounds at the door. My mom already beat me to it though. I stood standing at the last step as I saw a big burly police officer, who looked like he could use a doughnut. My heart raced as I was wondering what was going on. But I instantly knew as soon as the cop said the following words that I never wanted to hear. 

  "Ian Williams was just in a car accident. Apparently a drunk driver hit him as he swerved off a cliff and crashed. Paramedics tried everything they could, but we couldn't get anything. I'm sorry to say this, but he passed away."  That was when my life came tumbling down.  "He passed away. Ian Williams passed away." Those words still haunt me like a knife going through my heart everyday. He's dead. I was heartbroken. He was the ONLY man that ever listened and cared about me. But that's not even the worst part. All the money, cars, and houses were gone too. Tyler even dumped me because I wasn't rich anymore. And without that or him, I was nothing. My mom later moved us into these dingy, small, and rickety apartments. It wasn't much, but it was enough to be the first step to moving up. Or at least that's what I thought it was. That's when my Mom started going out many different hours of the night, bringing home guys, starting with laughs then ending in fights. She changed. She wasn't like the mother I thought she always was. I remember watching her as she sat at the table, drinking Vodka and sniffing coke as I stared at her with disgust. She looked up and glared at me, telling me that I was a mistake and that she wished that I could have died instead of him. Of course those words hurt like hell, but I kept it in. Whenever I think of the word mom, this situation pops into my head.


  But that was then, and this is now. Still living in the same apartment since I was 13, my mom never changed. Throughout the years, I grew to accept it, and eventually it felt like I didn't even have any parents.

     My full name is Riley Nicole Hennings and I'm eighteen. School sucks and my grades are pretty poor. I also have a best friend named Ty. He has been my best friend since preschool. He  was always there for me no matter what. He even helps me pay the bills and buy groceries. We dated when we were in 8th Grade, but we found out that we just want to be friends. Ty is gay now, so we never really felt awkward about it like we used to. I can tell him anything. Even about my boyfriend Rob. Rob is the coolest boyfriend I could ever ask for. The thing is though, he always pressures me to have sex with him and I always say no and he always ends up breaking up with me, just to end up apologizing and us getting back together. Ty said that that isn't healthy, but I really love him though. So I'm willing to sometimes put up with it.  

  I ran down the hall in hopes that Ty was still covering for me at work. As I was walking downstairs, I came across my mother, passed out on the couch, probably high. I decided to walk to work today since Ty is at work already. The only friend I ever had was Ty, and even though he was gay, I kind of want some girls to talk to about my feelings and etc. No girls liked me at school and guys would barely even lay there eyes on me because I was the quiet one and not to mention, Rob's girlfriend. But everyday I keep my head up in hopes that I will find happiness. Ian would be so proud of me if he were here. He always told me, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. But what doesn't kill you, fucks you up mentally.


{A/N} Hey guys!!! This was just the intro, but don't worry I'll update later. Also, I know the beginning is sad, but hang on tight, it gets better trust me :) This is my 2nd Justin Bieber story that I wrote on a different website but I got lazy and never finished it :P So what better way than to finish it on Wattpad?!? There may be some spelling errors idk since I didn't edit. Sowwy.

Boy Behind The Purple Glasses -A Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now