Fake Handbags

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Who the hell does Usher think he is, telling me what to do? I told the truth. But I'm not gonna sweat it. I'll just sneak out. I just can't stand Ben up like that, especially if I just met him. I stormed up to my room as I sat on the bed. Two minutes later, Pattie comes up to my room and sits on my bed.

"I know you want some alone time, but I just want to ask you, who were you going on a date with?" She asked curiously. I smiled at her warmly as she smiled back. Well, at least someone cares.

"Well, this guy that I go to school with, named Ben, and we hung out for a while and then he asked me out today!" I gushed. Me and her squealed together. For some reason, she was kind of like a best friend to me. We may not be close in age, but she sure is amazing and acts like she is. I could actually get used to seeing her everyday. Pattie left the room eventually after we talked some more to each other. I pulled my phone out and called my Ty.

"What's up Ty I haven't talked to you since forever!" I yelled to the receiver. Even though I couldn't see him, I could tell that he was smiling on the other line. I just know it.

"I missed you Riles." He said softly. I held in the urge to cry as I started to talk to him. Just like old times.

Me and him ended up talking on the phone for two hours straight until Usher called me to eat dinner. I think he made salmon, judging by the smell. When I sat at the table, Justin, Pattie, and Usher were already at the table. I guess Selena left. That girl irks me and I barely even know her. A friendly silence passed in the kitchen before I stood back up from my chair.

"Um Usher, I'm not hungry, I think I'll pass for the night." I just didn't even want to look at Justin. That kid disgusts me. How could he believe her every single time? And Usher, I'm his own flesh and blood. He should feel that he should trust me, right? But you know, since I'm psychotic, how could he trust me? I went upstairs and slammed my door. About fifteen minutes after I went to my room, Justin comes barging in without even knocking.

"Ever heard of knocking?"

"No..anyways your not going on that date with that Ben kid."

"Why not?" I asked, suddenly suspiciously. I started hoping that he didn't rat me out.

"Because, you barely even know the kid. Just because you went to school with him doesn't mean anything. For all you know, he could be a masked murderer or rapist or some crazy shit like that. So that means that you can't go out with him." He said as a matter of factly. First Usher now him. Why do people always feel the need to control my life?

"Look, I don't know who you think you are Bieber, but you don't run my life. You can't tell me who and who I can't date or hang out with, now leave." I did the diva head roll and pushed him out of my room and slammed the door.

I picked out my outfit, ready for my secret plan to escape for Ben's date. Five minutes ago, Ben texted me saying that he'll pick me up at eight. That means it's almost time to leave. I quickly took a shower and got dressed secretly. I felt like a secret agent or something. I put on a simple sundress dress with a pair of Converse. I love this wardrobe. Now my escape plan. I climbed out to the balcony, grabbed a sheet and tied it to the tree. I slowly climbed down the tree, careful not to fall. Unfortunately, I failed doing that. I fell out the tree, causing my escape plan to be very painful. I waited outside because I was ten minutes early. I decided to sit on the porch swing while I wait for him. I sat there thinking about random thoughts until none other than Justin Bieber came through the front door. I groaned loudly.

"What do you want now? If he blows my cover, I swear to God that I will make his life a living hell for the rest of the time we're here.

"You just wait till' I tell Usher right now." Justin said, smirking at me. Oh great, now my temper is gonna be a little over the edge before I go on a date. Just fucking great. Justin just ruined my date and I didn't go yet!

Boy Behind The Purple Glasses -A Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now