One Less Lonely Girl

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What are you supposed to wear to a Justin Bieber concert? I mean, am I supposed to wear a shirt.. with his face on it? Just in case, I bought one anyways. Ever since I came home from ice skating last night, my mind has been everywhere. Mostly on Justin. It's impossible for me NOT to think about him. He's everywhere! TV, magazines, the internet, even in my phone! I can't get away from him, let alone get over him. And he's not making things easy. Like last night, whenever someone made a joke, he would laugh and place his hand on my knee for some odd reason. And when I was doing the dishes, he walked past me and gripped onto my waist so tightly like I was falling or something. I could feel him breathing against my neck! Not only did it make me want to kiss him, it made me nervous. Me and him are forbidden. Like Romeo and Juliet. Their love was forbidden right? The concert is in a few more hours and I'm freaking out!

I put on my slippers and took two Aspirins. Last night when we were ice skating, I slipped and landed on my arm, right under my elbow. It was already a fading scar there where Jason hit me once, and it turned purple and painful like it was before. Most of the scars on my body are fading, but they have a light purplish color so they're still noticeable. Makeup and long sleeves do the trick though. I ran downstairs in the kitchen where Usher was. He was sitting at the table, signing his name on various photos of him. That's too much effort for me.

"Hey.. I was wondering if maybe I could get a plane ticket." He looked up at me and furrowed his eyebrows.

"To where?"

"Back to Atlanta."

"I guess. But why?"

"I don't know, I miss Ty a lot. I want to book it for next week or the week after. I'll only be gone for four or five days." There were many reasons why I wanted to go back. I just think that I have unfinished business there. He sighed, but nodded his head.

"I don't see why not. I guess." I smiled to myself, and sat down next to him.

"Well.. I'm gonna go upstairs and find something to wear."

"Wear to where?" Ha! He said wear twice.

"To Justin's concert tonight. He invited me last night."

"So.. he invited you.."

"Hey! It's not like that. He just wanted to be nice and I want to come and support him. We're just friends."

"That's what you said last time."

"Because it was true!"

"Yeah, because friends totally suck each other's faces off." My face turned red.

"I did not! His face is still on his body. And that was the past, trust me." I ran upstairs when my phone started to ring.



"Yeah, who's asking?"

"I see you still didn't put my number in your phone. It's Alfredo, duh!"

"Oh hey! And sorry, I'm forgetful. Don't judge!"

"Whatever. Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that you could come by the Nokia Theatre for your backstage pass. You know where it is right?"

"Wait, I needed a backstage pass?"

"Duh! You thought that you were gonna sit with the crowd?"


"Yeah, not unless you want your head chewed off by Beliebers. Jiley is a trending topic on Twitter every day. And they're not talking about Miley Cyrus either."

Boy Behind The Purple Glasses -A Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now