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"I really don't know why you call me, you know I think exactly like him," Peter states before taking a sip of his cup of coffee

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"I really don't know why you call me, you know I think exactly like him," Peter states before taking a sip of his cup of coffee.

Jordan leaves her cup on the table and sighs. "Because you are the only one I got besides my father and brother," 

"Well, now you got him," He jokes ironically.

"Ha ha, Peter, so funny," Jordan responds the same way. 

"I might have said it as a joke but, why didn't you call him instead of me?" He wonders and she just shrugs, she doesn't know the answer to that question.

"You don't trust him that much, don't you?" He smirks.

"It's not that,"

"Then, what is it?" He insists. "If I was him, I would like to know your brother hates me instead of seeing you telling this to your male friend, who you used to be fu-,"

"Enough!" Jordan raises her voice. "I heard you, Peter,"

"So, what are you going to do?" He questions her before leaving a few pounds on the table to pay for their breakfast.

"What should I do?" She raises a brow, she looks desperate.

Peter sighs, he can't be selfish with her and he would do anything to see her happy, even if it's with someone else. "You have to options," He starts. "Ignore your brother and forget about whatever he said," He points with his fingers. "Or doing that and telling the boy what happened but making sure he doesn't have to care because you don't care,"

Jordan nods attentively. "Should I tell him that I hang out with you?"

"It depends," 

"On what?" Jordan frowns.

"Are we going to keep hanging out?" He raises a brow at her and her eyes go straight to the floor. Peter knows the answer to that. "So, I pick you up from a park, I get you some breakfast, I give you a bit of advice on your strange relationship and you decide that we are no longer friends," 

"Peter, it's not that," The brunette sighs. 

"What is next? Are you going to tell your dad to kick me out of the workshop?" Peter starts raising his voice getting attention from a few of the other costumers.

"I would never do that to you, Peter," She speaks fast trying to calm him down.

"I'm not sure anymore, you've changed Jordan," He spats in disbelief. "You are not the same Jordan I met when I was eleven," He denies with his head.

"People change, Peter,"

"For good, but you?" He sighs. "You think now that you are someone important just because you date some famous guy who runs and kicks a ball for a living?"

"I don't believe that just calm down and let's talk like two normal persons please?" She begs.

"The conversation is over," He responds getting up from his seat and grabbing his coat. "Sometimes you have to lose something to realize it's worth. So, I'm leaving today and I hope it hurts," And just like that, the bells on the door sound announcing his exit as Jordan stays in her seat frustrated.

She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, wanting to scream out so loud but with all the strength she has, she keeps everything inside.

On the other side, Trent finds himself laying on his couch with the company of his two brothers. Today he has the day off after the tiring game. They play FIFA and keep a short talk even though Trent keeps zooming off as his mind plays games with him and goes straight to her.

"Can you stop conceding goals, mate?" Tyler spats pausing the game.

"Sorry," He mumbles.

"Someone is in love," His younger brother speaks playfully making him frown and Tyler laugh.

"Shut up, Marcel," He groans.

"When will you make it official?" Marcel asks leaning on his shoulder to pay close attention to his brother.

"Official? I don't even know if they've kissed yet," Tyler jokes. "You know how Trent is a prick sometimes," He winks.

"Whatever we do its none of your business," Trent states annoyed getting up from his couch as he throws the controller somewhere on the couch.

"Ow, look at how he gets!" Marcel keeps joking and he is definitely getting on his nerves.

The two brothers follow Trent to his room to keep messing with him. "C'mon, you can talk to us!" Tyler insists.

Trent throws himself on his bed and covers his face with a pillow. "I just don't know, she is-" He stops because he can't put a word on her, he has to use too many.

"She is?" Marcel wonders raising a brow as he lays by Trent's side and Tyler does the same but takes the other side, leaving Trent in the middle.

"She is sugar, curiosity, and rain." 

"Why sugar?" Tyler wonders.

"Because humans have a tendency to like sweet things and to desire them, so he sees her as sugar, somethings he wants her and not necessarily with sexual overtones," Tyler explains to his younger brother as Trent remains in silence.

"But, curiosity?" Tyler is the one asking now.

"That is because Trent can't figure her out yet!" Marcel declares. "It's like she keeps being mysterious about herself,"

"And rain because she is pure beauty in its simplest form," Trent finalizes.

"She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table, and you know it," Tyler states taking the pillow off Trent's head and sitting up straight, making his two brothers imitate his actions.

"She scares the hell out of me and calms my soul at the same time," Trent admits sighing.

"Maybe that's what love is," Marcel grows a smile on his face. "A total contradiction that somehow balances out." 

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