Chapter 21

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His eyes opened again and meeting with red apologetic once. He squealed slightly as the other was that near. The redhead let out a sigh and sat straight up, and a small blush seen on his cheeks. He was sure that his cheeks were a blushing mess.

"I am sorry, Tsu-chan. I think it was a bit too much for you."

That made him give the other a soft smile as an answer. 

"I-it's alright. I d-don't blame y-you. Papa a-always tells m-me how adorable I am. I-it's just that I d-didn't expect it..."

He felt shy around Enma, more then others and his heart was bursting through his chest. In his gut, he could feel something, and he guessed that this was what was called having butterflies in your gut.

"So what do you want us to be?"

Tsuna thought a moment and gave a bright smile.

"I w-want to know e-everyone that w-we a officially a c-couple.~"

He chirps and the other pulled him into a tight hug as an answer.

"You are way too adorable. " (I second that, I squealed at Tsuna's cuteness and I am the author who wrote it XD)

Tsuna felt his cheeks heat up a bit more at this. One thing was clear that it will take a while for him to get used to this all. But he wasn't minding it as he was happy. The hug was left and he realized that he was back in his bed. A knock soon was heard on the door.

"Come in."

Was his reply and Hayato walked in with a serious expression. He straightens himself going instantly in his boss mode.

"I am assuming that everything is going well."

Hayato gave him a nod and glancing at Enma.

"Don't worry, he can hear about it as he is now my boyfriend."

That made the other splutter and he tilted his head confused until he realized what he just told his right-handed man. His boss mode shattered as his whole face lit up in a bright shade of red. Enma had his own small blush on his cheeks, as he chuckled at this and ruffling his hair.

"You said yourself that you want others to know.~"

The other chirped at him and he let out a groan, wanting to burry a hole and hide forever into this. He coughs and getting back into his boss mode, still with a small blush on his cheeks.

"Ah, congratulations Tsuna-sama. And the preparation are going well. We should have everything ready in two weeks for the ceremony. Oh, and you have as well visitors. They are a bit-um you should see yourself."

He slipped out of the blanket as he was back out of his boss mode. He gave a smile towards Haya-nii-chan.

"Thank you and as well thank you for informing me, Haya-nii-chan."

The other smiled softly at him when he called the other like this. Tsuna was still innocent, or as innocent he was. It wasn't that he didn't have his memory back, but the knowledge he had in the past almost was none existant. And he still had many things to learn back. But that could wait until he took over as Vongola tenth. There wasn't enough time for him to get his knowledge back sadly.

"No problem Tsuna-sama."

He huffed at this, as he didn't want the other add sama.

"Please, stop calling me sama. I don't like."

A pout made its way over his cheeks and Hayato walked up giving a ruffle through his hair as grinning at him.

"Can't and you know this. Habits don't die that easy. I try not to call you this, but when we are talking about business stuff I have to call you this. It would be rude and you know this as I do. And..."

The other paused as he let out a sigh.

"I know that you aren't the Tsuna from the past. I try to avoid calling you Tsuna-sama when we are in private. Like just now."

His voice was soft, and his tone which he used was more when you would talk towards a child. It made sense and he was still on the inside a kid. 

"That is appreciated. Let's see who wants to meet me. Do you want to join En-chan?

The other shook his head and standing up now as well.

"I have my own things I need to take care of. I will make a document which makes it official that we are allies as well as lovers."

That made his cheeks slightly burn, but he gave the other a bright smile.

"Just g-give it to Haya-nii-chan or Take-nii-chan. I will be busy from now on. Not sure th-that I will have time. I still need to learn stuff about Vongola etc."

He let out a sigh and going through his fluffy hair. Enma gave him a sympathetic look. The redhead kissed him on his temples and walked away.

"I will call from time to time to make sure that you are alright. See you il mio amore."

That has done it as he groaned and feeling his face burn again. He was sure that he was a flustered mess. Hayato chuckled at this and gave him a grin. It took him a bit until calming down, and he walked outside. As entering the living room, he was met with chaos. And he meant chaos. 

"Trash stop destroying stuff. Reborn will kill me."

It wasn't helping and the whole living room was half destroyed. He let out a sigh, and felt overwhelmed by this.

"W-what in g-god's name is going one?"

He asked lost, all eyes turned around. And he was met with someone who had met more than once.

"Oh, Tsuna, I finally can meet you."

That made him tilt his head to the side, as he wasn't expecting a warm welcome like that from Xanxus. In the past, he always had trash behind it, but it seemed that was trying not to scare him away. Which he was sure he probably would have when the Xanxus would have been too forceful.

"So you know?"

He asked softly towards the other and he had to look twice when he saw the male had a soft smile.

"Yeah, these trash's done a number on you and worst was that bastard of Iemitsu was the one who had sold you to them."

He felt a shudder going through him as he remembered what these people had done to him.

"Shit, sorry didn't mean to make you remember it."

He shook his head and giving a small smile. The others who were there weren't saying anything, probably letting their boss first talk.

"I-it's alright."

"Ishishi boss you smile, how cute. Guys, I think the world is ending."

That made everything snort and he giggled at this. As this was precisely what he thought. Everyone stared at him and he tilted his head to the side, confusion seen on his expression. As well everyone had a small blush on his cheeks.

"Wow, Bel-chan. Tsu-chan is adorable."

He didn't know who that male was. He said it in such a monotone voice which made him have a giggle attack. How can someone say something like that yet sound so monotone? It took him a while to calm down and stared at him.

"I a-am so-sorry, but h-he said it i-in such an m-monotone voice which was w-way too fu-funny..."

The other realized now. They talked a bit more and got to know the others as well. It seemed that Xanxus was until this day searching as well for him, and helped his guardians as much as he could out. They had to get back to their base as they had to prepare some stuff for the ceremony as well. Reborn wasn't happy and they had to pay for the destruction they had done. Of course, they gave the money, as Tsuna knew that his Papa was scary when he is angry. Note to himself never make Papa angry...


He finally met Varia. I thought I am going to make them meet before I make the last chapter.  I hope you enjoyed it. ^~^

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