Chapter 19

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His guardians shivered to see their sky back or almost how it was. It meant for everyone that his sadistic side and Tsuna saw this tilted his head to the side. Why they looked like they have seen a ghost made him puzzled. Verde sweatdropped at this and his Papa had a big smirk on his lips.

"Yes, we can fight Tsuna-sama. I made sure about this, as the Iemitsu Sawada is still a threat after all. I am assuming that you called us here to tell us that you want to stop him."

Tsuna gave a nod at this and looked at Verde.

"Do you think I can start my training, or do I need to wait?"

The other had his lips thin and a sigh escaped out of his mouth.

"Wait two days more until then you can start slowly. You just got your body back and you were in a coma for four days."

He accepted this and laid back down. At least, he could try to relax a bit longer until he would finally get to train. Tsuna needed to train and take the other down. There were still questions in his mind, as he wanted to know what he had missed since his kidnapping. But that could wait, for now, right now there was time, and he hoped that he could get ready in two weeks. Maybe a bit too short, but he couldn't wait any longer. His HI warning him that when he would wait any longer it could result in more death.

"Papa, is there a way to contact the ninth? And my mom? I need them to know that I am alive and not dead. And could anyone bring me as many informations about Vongola, please? I need to get started in learning about what I missed."

His father figure seemed impressed as well proud. He had a small smile on his lips as he thought what would be the best idea. 

"I am sorry that I burden you guys with this, but I need your help with this. And Papa? Do you have people who could train my family? I need to be sure that they are strong enough."

The questioned people all had their smiles on their lips or smirks as each answered in their own way.

"Haha, don't worry I would do anything for you Tsuna."

"Tsuna-sama I am glad to help you."

"Kufufu, don't worry about it. Both Naegi and I own you a lot."

The female had a soft smile and gave him a nod.

"As long as I can help you Tsu-nii, I don't mind fighting."

"I am extremely glad to finally see you and extremely glad to help my ototo out."

He gave them a grateful smile, and the next one who talked was his father figure.

"I have some people in mind. About contacting them, it won't be possible as it would be too dangerous. I hope you understand this Tsuna."

He gave a small nod and looking down now as he swallowed. Iemitsu has done so many bad things. This made him feel sad. He missed the warmth of his mother and missed his dear gramps. He was someone he holds dearly. That was the last straw as he looked back up, everyone was startled as they looked into blazing orange eyes, other then Reborn who had the feeling what would come next.

"Reborn, how long do I need to get strong enough to stop that bastard? I have enough, this is the last straw for me. Thanks to that asshole, I had to go through hell and now I can't meet my mom and my grampa."

They could hear the hatred from his tone of voice and everyone clenched their fist. His Papa seemed as mad them probably himself.

"You will need two days rest, so 14 days. With the two days rest. The others will be alright, they have two more days then you."

He gave a nod and his anger vanished as he let out a sigh. Be prepared Bakamitsu because he won't let the other get away any longer with what he had done.

Two weeks, they had time and in two weeks many things happened. Tsuna read the stuff which he missed, and with his photographic memory, it was easy to get these things in his mind. 

(I decided to make him have one ^-^)

Of course, he had read whenever he had time to read, that wasn't often as his papa stopped going easy on him. He met the arcobaleno's as well and they ended up being for him like aunt and uncles. Aria was the mother of Yuni and she was by now a second mother. She was kind and helped him out with his studies. It made him remember his mother, but the difference was that his mother was sometimes way too oblivious which he knows now where he got this. Sometimes he needed to have an easier explanation as he couldn't always understand what was written on the paper/books.

Tsuna almost never saw his guardians, but that was fine. The only time he saw them was when they ate together. That was decided to be their bonding time. The dinner was livelily and he was happy about it. HIs innocent stayed and that surprised everyone when he chased after Byakuran who has done something aka eating his favorite strawberry shortcake. Or simply annoy the other, which can happen more often.

Not to mention there was some stuff he didn't know that was why he right now decided to ask his Papa about that feeling he felt towards a particular redhead.  Right now he was sitting on the couch in the workspace of his Papa. Two more days until the fight, and Tsuna felt enough nervous. But he just couldn't forget that redhead, and his thoughts usually trailed towards the male.

"Alright speak. I know something bothers you."

That made him feel sheepish. Of course, his Papa would notice.

"Yeah, um I d-don't know h-how to e-explain i-it."

He felt his whole face heat up in, his heartfelt like bursting out of his chest.

"Oho, you got the hots for someone aren't you?"

That was making his head tilt to the side. 

"Wh-what do m-mean hots f-for someone?"

That made his Papa in front of him blink, probably realizing once again how innocent he still was.

"My bad, I forgot how innocent you are. It means that you have feelings for someone."

What feelings was he talking about? He couldn't get what the other meant by that. 

"Of course you wouldn't get what I mean. Alright, love does say something to you?"

It was a question which he answered instantly.

"Y-yeah, but what d-does that have to d- Oh..."

Tsuna realized something that he loved the redhead, but when he was thinking about his Papa he doesn't have the same feeling.

"There we go you finally got it. So who is the lucky person?"

He gave him a grin now, knowing that his Papa would still accept him.

"En-chan, I t-think I l-loved h-him i-in the p-past."

His stuttering came, back and he felt his whole face lit up.

"I  should have called it. Tell him after that fiasco is over. I can assure you that the other likes you back."

He hummed as his HI told him that as well. He gave a nod and stretched himself. There were still two days. And he still needed to continue that hell training.

"T-thanks, n-now I can c-continue my t-training."

He didn't wait for the other person's answer and continue his training. 

Two more days until the fight...

I thought why not make a fanfic about 0027. I find it adorable. It is my second favorite ship. My favorite should be obvious when you read my other khr fanfics XD. I hope you enjoyed it and I see you all in the next chapter. ^-^

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