Chapter 1

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So it was a normal day, or should we say almost. For everyone else it was normal ,but for a particular male, with brown fluffy spiked hair not. So he was right now running away once again. Some shouts in Italian were heard. Their voices seemed in a hurry. He just escaped out of his kidnappers. He was kidnapped almost 9 years ago and they tested some stuff on him. Now he was much faster and stronger. Yet something had gone wrong and now he was a kid.

He looked around  10 years old, his brown eyes were emotionless. Not just his eyes but his expression wasn't really showing anything. He just wanted to get away from that hell. Thanks to him bein a kid, he was much faster. His instinct stronger ,and his normally brown eyes ,seemed now like a bright shade of orange. Yet something seemed wrong to this child, these emotionless eyes just weren't right for just a 10 year old.

No one seemed to care of the people on the busy street. At least he can get faster away, but for how long?  His emotions long away ,his memories long forgotten, as well his name. So he named himself Cielo. He wasn't sure why, but at that time he actually felt the fear. The fear they would get him.

He had to get away, or else they would continue with it. This whole thing was just a huge mess, and actually he just wanted to get away from them. 


Gritting his teeth as he felt a stinging sensation on his stomach. They actually had shoot him. Dammit! Now he was really in danger...

His eyes grew wide as in front of him was now someone. His bright orange, glowed stronger and his eyes showed the resolve to fight. His adrenalin going high, right at this moment he could take anyone. But he hadn't as he felt that this person wasn't someone who would injure him.

So he had stoppt running. Looking with pleading eyes, which showed that he needed help. His face paled just more as he had to put pressure on his wound. What he hadn't expect was that this person nod to him. Something told him that he had to get behind him, so he had...

The fight was going that fast, yet his eyes followed the bullet which were shot at his followers. The people who tried to get him, were now just falling down. It made him blink, a sigh escaped out of his mouth. His feelings still there, but his exhausted body just relaxed. He felt the world turning, but before his body fell on the ground something unexpected had happend. Someone had stopped the fall. It was the male from before, his now emotionless eyes looked at the dark, almost black eyes. With that he blacked out, his body wasn't handling the wound and exhaustion anymore....

A few hours later after being rescued





Eyes slowly snapping open, and a groan escaped out of that unknown person. His eyes traveling through the room, and stopping at a person. This person had a fedora on his head, his lips into a thin line, a suit was worn and a sun colored tie. The person blinked a few times, wondering why he was rescued by this person. All he was, someone who was worthless...just a weapon. 

That was at least what these people told him, actually he soon began to believe them. His eyes just staring blankly at the stranger, not knowing that he looked back at him. Feeling the eyes, made him flinch. His emotions still not there ,and it seemed that they wouldn't come back any time soon.

"Finalmente sei sveglio. Spiegare perché stavate scappando da queste persone?"
 ("You're finally awake. Explain why you were running from these people?")

He blinked a few times, trying to think what would be the best thing to do? Should he tell him or better lying? Something told him that he could trust him, so he just was staring with cold eyes, bloodlust rolling out of him.

"Queste persone, erano di una mafia, il che mi ha fatto loro vera e propria foto. Sono stato sperimentato e qualcosa è andato storto e ora sono in questa condizione. Altre domande?"

(These people, were from a mafia, which made me their genuine pic. I was experimented on and something got wrong and now I am in this condition. Any more questions?)

Cielo actually learned some language because him always hearing it, so soon he spoke Italina. He can speak as well English. His words emotionless, yet in his eyes there was something detected...a feeling. It was pure anger about what they had done to him.

They were the worst, yet he couldn't really hate them, something just stoppt him from fully hating them. 

"Non posso credere che si fossero spinti cosi' lontano. Posso avere il tuo nome?"

(I can't believe that they had gone that far. Can I have your name? )

Cielo stayed quiet for a moment as he shadowed his eyes. He was beyond pissed, but knew he couldn't change his condition at all. Will he ever get his body back? Will he ever get his memory back?

"Non ricordo né il mio vero nome né chi sono veramente, chiamami Cielo. Non so da quanto tempo sono stato lì, ma sono abbastanza sicuro che ormai sarei diventato adulto."

(I don't remember my real name nor who I really am, call me Cielo. I don't know how long I was there ,but I am pretty sure I would be an adult by now.)

There was a pause from the other person, seemed like he was thinking about something. Until the person was letting out a sigh, beginning to talk into a different language this time.

"Can you understand me?"

Cielo tilted his head as that seemed familiar ,but he couldn't understood it. So he shook his head which made the other person say something else again.

"What about now?"

That was English. At least he can talk now in this language. Italian just seemed so exhausting to talk.

"Yes I can, can you tell me your name?"

"Number one hitman, Reborn."

Had this idea yesterday, at first I was thinking about making it like the tsuna you know but it kind of ended into a different univers. So I hope you enjoyed it. There will be some grammar mistakes hope it isn't to bad. I can't speak Italian did just translate from deepl. That was all I wanted to tell you all see you all in the next chapter.

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