Chapter 2

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Both got quiet, him as he thought about all that had happened, and Reborn just thinking about how to help him. This wasn't how he was normally, but seeing the eyes he had shown him...he remembered on the sky he had met.

"So what now?"

That stopped the silence, and he just hummed probably thinking about what was the best thing to do right now.

"First we need you to stay here, and let your injuries be healed and second...what happened to your emotions?"

The person paused, thought about it, and then letting out a sigh. He wasn't sure himself, and never really had thought about it.

"Maybe because a weapon doesn't need feelings?"

"So they told you that, and you simply...believed it?"

A deadpan expression came over the person who asked it. There was another silence as he just couldn't figure out when it had started.

"You know you're different than these adults I...had met. They never asked me, and never cared so why care?"

His voice was full of pain, yet his eyes stayed relatively emotionless, other than the pain in his eyes. Taken aback by it, made the other pause. How could he change him? Maybe he needs love? 

"Because I am a human dame-Cielo.  Why wouldn't I care for you? Not to mention you're not a weapon."

The other person's eyes grew huge, his breathing rigid and soon he knew he would be crying. This was the first time since forever, he had felt like this. When was it that he had felt alive...instead of...dead?

" sorry and thank you?"

With that, the dam broke, and then the tears first came slowly, until he was fully crying. He wasn't sure why, but he felt more alive. He felt not dead anymore. The pain just hit him hard, what he hadn't expected when he felt arms wrapping around him into a protective hug. It felt so warm, a warmth he felt in the past before. He knew that he had, maybe he could begin from new without having to fear that he would be used... maybe he could finally have someone who would love him, as a family member or friend?

"Finally you show any emotions. I decided to take you in."

His crying instantly stopped in surprise. Take


The person let go, looking at him intentionally. It made him flinch, not exactly sure why or what he felt.

"First of all, you're homeless. Second of all, you are in a kids body, and third I can't let you go not after knowing that you still aren't out of danger."

His instincts trusts him so he let out a shaky sigh. Was that relieve he felt? Wow, never had he felt that relieved.

"I...didnot expect this. I really thought I would have been done for, but then you rescued me. I am thankful for that. So thank you and sorry for being a burden."

His voice was firm, and this time you could hear that his emotions slowly came back. Maybe that was what he had needed. He had to learn new his feelings, this will take a while until he would fully feel alive. At least now he knew his feelings weren't away...


The other person looked at him with huge eyes. What he hadn't realized that he had a little smile on his lips. His eyes were slowly turning alive. It was as they were frozen, but this person made them slowly melt.

"Seems like you still have them, good. I will have to go now."

He let fully go, and the warmth disappeared. He actually wanted for him to stay, but he knew he couldn't be selfish.

"Alright see you later I hope."

The other person has just let out a sigh and ruffling through his hair. Did he?

"No your expression shows it Cielo."

"I see..."

"No worries I won't be away for too long, but I need to do something."

From the eyes, he could tell that he would do something. What it was, Cielo wasn't sure, but it would be something that had to do with him. That was a thing that he was sure about.

"Be ca-careful."

He was timider now, his cheek slightly pink, and feeling shy. Now that he thought about, him being like that was familiar.

"No worries I will."

With that, the person took his fedora on his head, walking out. He watched him go, his mind occupied.

His eyes dulled back, and he wasn't exactly feeling anything anymore.  A sigh escaped out of his mouth.

This will be a long time until he would really be better, won't it?

Reborn's Pov

Never had he thought he would help a kid out, which turned to be an actual adult. Normally he wouldn't really go there ,and wanting to murder them but they had it coming. He was pissed off. He could feel that something felt of with that kid. His instincts told him that he should protect him. Now he knew, when he saw the bright orange eye color. These were just with people who have sky flames . 

He wasn't heartless, so he decided when seeing him that emotionless to adopt him. Right now he hasn't told him that ,this was  a surprise for him. Reborn hoped that he would feel better soon. What he promised himself was helping him. For that he needed Shamal to get his body checked out, but this would take two days. 

What he wondered why he looked so similar to Giotto, the first vongola founder? Right now he had to find out what these people had done to him. That would be a long day....

Time skip 5 hours later back to Cielo's pov

Where is he? Didn't he promise he would hurry? God am I bored and I can't do anything...

His thoughts were occupied with wondering when he would come back. Not to mention that he promised that he would get back soon. His inner clock was messed up since being there. So he couldn't know how long he was away now. All he knew it was a long time...

"Be patient he will come. How are you feeling my cute litte Cielo?"

That made him have an almost heart attack. Actually he forgot about his ancestor. He looked at him blankly still not showing any emotions. Still there was something different in him. His eyes was slowly melting, which wasn't that bad.

"I guess I am fine Gio-nii. I don't feel any pain and I can't wait to see Reborn again. He is the first alive person who was nice to me."

"Wow that's high praise from you. Seems like I am not needed right now. I hope you will finally get them back."

Giving him a slight nod, with a little smile this time. It was the first time since he smiled. The last time he truly smiled was 9 years ago. Giotto came into his life a year after his experiments. He was pissed and his friends as well. Now they were like a little family....still he missed real contact, with people who wouldn't just want to hurt him....or use him...

Suddenly the door was opened ,with that Giotto disappeared. His head turned around to the door ,and saw the person he had waited for...Reborn.

There we go another chapter made hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading. Oh and don't forget to vote when you like the story so far ^-^

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