Chapter 20

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Two days later in the early morning, everyone was hiding behind bushes...

Everything was ready, the planning took a bit as they had to be careful. Now it was finally time to stop that madness. It would be chaos and that was what he intended to do. Tsuna as well told the others not to harm any maids and butlers as they have nothing to do with it. In his eyes, they were innocent people, which everyone accepted.

Tsuna had eye contact with his Papa, and then the operation started. Reborn decided to team up with him, as he didn't want to leave his son alone. His guardians each were partnered up in three man's/ woman teams as well. Hayato, Takeshi, and Chrome were one team. The next one was Mukuro, Kyoya, Ryohei. Lambo didn't want to leave him and so he was with him as well.

The others he wasn't quite sure what they were going to do, and he didn't really manage to grasp it. He was sure it would be fine. With this, they went to acton and he felt himself being nervous. It was just that this was the first time that he seriously had to fight.

"Tsuna, be on guard and don't get distracted now."

His eyes glanced at Reborn who he gave a small nod. His Papa was right and he let out a sigh. His eyes glowed softly as he turned around. He had a gun in hand as he knew that there was no way without weapons and he wasn't a fan of it. But Renato told him that he shouldn't use his flames until he would fight against Bakamitsu. His aim was almost perfect after all he got taught by the number one hitman. 

Soon shooting were heard and he had to dodge. Tsuna decided shooting them into their calves. He wasn't going to kill anyone. Killing wouldn't change anything and would make him no better than his stupid asshole of a father. 
Tsuna huffed as he finally got where that bastard was hiding. He kicked the door with ease. Seeing Iemitsu drinking calmly his whine without any care of the world made his blood boil.


The said male smirked at him standing up, and his HI blared at him. He managed to push both of Reborn down on the ground and managing to protect both of them from the sky flame attack.

"Aww, my Tuna fish is still alive. I hope you enjoyed the stay at the Estraneo Famiglia."

How the other said it made him grit his teeth. His eyes glowed more as he jumped up, and dashing forward...


The fight was going way too long for his likings but he wasn't going to stop. The other smirk still there, and it made him just more furious. He knew for a fact that the other was rilling him up, and he did a good job. Soon the fight was finished with him having way too many bruises and as well some wounds which were bleeding. 

He heard footsteps approach him, and soon a warmth spread through him. He knew that this were the sun flames. Not any sun flames as it were the sun flames from his Papa. A relieved sigh escaped as it finally had ended.
Iemitsu was sent to vendicare after everything he had done, not just him but other innocent people. The evidence which he found made his blood boil just more. That male wasn't his father anymore. That bastard has done so many bad things and he was furiously at him. Not to mention he tried to kill the ninth. Which made it not better for Tsuna. That alone was enough for him having to go into that prison. It was now two days after, and for now, it was hidden that he was still alive. As well who it was, who had overthrown the tenth.

"Ne, En-chan can I t-tell y-you something?"

Right now he was alone with the redhead. The others had to prepare for the ceremony as well for the news who would take over Vongola. After all the ninth was out of the question as he was old, and he wasn't minding taking over. After all, he would have taken over Vongola anyway.


The book was put aside and the other had the attention now entire on him.

"I um l-l-l-like y-you a lot..."

His whole face burning in a deep red, which he knew that he was a flustered mess. He felt his heartbeat feel like it would burst into his chest. The other male opened his mouth but closed it again, gaping like fish. Enma was speechless at this, that was what Tsuna saw from the reaction of the other. Soon he saw a blush spread through his face as well. It was the same red as the color of his hair.

"You-I....dammit. I uh..."

The other still was speechless and groaned as he hid behind his hands. It was comical for him. And he grinned now, as Reborn was right about having the same feeling. After all, Enma would not be a flustered mess when the latter man wouldn't like him back.

"D-does t-that mean y-you li-like m-me  a-as well?"

The other put his hands away and let out a sigh and he felt being suddenly pulled into the arms of the other male.

"Yes, you moron. God and I thought you wouldn't like me that way."

He hugged the other back, and relieve washing over that his father figure had been right.


He cheered now. The other chuckled and let go of his hug. Taking his hand and he was dragged somewhere. It took him by surprise, but he let himself be dragged by the other. Seeing where they headed made him confused. Why are they heading to his Papa? As being in front of the door, the redhead knocked on it. A 'come in', was soon heard. Enma opened the door walking in, still dragging him with him and closing the door behind him. 

His father looked amused seeing him being dragged by the other. Why was he being here? Tsuna was lost not knowing what he was planning. Nothing could have prepared him for what was said next.

"Reborn, I want to ask for permission from you to let me have Tsuna as a boyfriend. I will promise you I won't ever hurt him intentionally. I won't ever leave him and will protect him with  my life."

His whole face ended up in a blushing mess again. And Reborn was surprised at this, but soon a smirk was seen on his face.

"Took you two long enough. You have my okay for being his boyfriend, but didn't need to ask me. After all, it is still his decision, not mine."

Enma grinned and chuckled as he felt two pairs of eyes on him.

"He was the one who told me that he likes me a lot. I am glad that you accept it. And Tsuna you're adorable with a blush like that."

That made his whole face feel more heating up. God, was that embarrassing and he had to say that in front of his Papa.


He couldn't get anything out as some steam coming out of his head and he passed out with this...


Hehe, another chapter or two maybe. And the story is ending. There will be somewhen special chapters as well when I get an idea about the two cute dorks. I liked it a lot and hope you did enjoy it like I did when writing it. Merry belated Christmas. I see you all in the next chapter.^~^

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