Chapter 17

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He told Papa about his memory of that day and he chuckled, as well as explaining to him that this was Giotto di Vongola the founder. Papa hadn't explained to him the entire thing as he was sure that he wouldn't get it. Which was at the end what had happened.

The week continued, and Dino-nii-chan was staying with him, until today, which was a week after. He had his famiglia to look after. His Papa had to go on a mission, so he was alone now with his guardians. Lambo and Takeshi stayed sleeping with him, and he wasn't minding it. The teen was a bit clingy, but that was to expect. He was the clingiest of all his guardians.

A week now, and he couldn't wait to meet the person who his sun was. His mind was on his Papa now and he missed him dearly. He was the one who rescued him after all. Of course, he missed his big brother figure Dino-nii-chan as well. Yuni and Byakuran came to visit by now every day and they were almost never seen alone.

And then there was now another person who came over. Which was now why he was feeling shy and nervous. That person had red hair and as well as red eyes. He seemed to know him and seemed to want to be friends with him. He was alone and it seemed that both Yuni, Byakuran and his guardians seemed to trust that male. His HI was told him that he really was a friend, but it changed nothing as it still made him feel shy around the other.


The other chuckled softly at him and giving him a soft smile.

"I did go with you to school, but halfway through middle school, you disappeared. I had the feeling something had happened. Your guardians didn't answer my questions about your disappearance and changed drastically afterward. It wasn't the same without you."

In the other male eyes was a glint that promised hell. And he was pitying the once who would feel the wrath of his friends and his Papa. Speaking of Papa, he did train him the whole weak. His training was hard, but it was necessary to make him stronger. His Papa was such a slave driver and he was kind of glad that he didn't need to train or at least could go his own tempo for training. Now that he thought about it, he needed to go on his rounds.

"A-ah I s-see. W-what is your name Nii-chan?"

He may be an adult on the inside from his age, but right now he still was a child who had to learn things. It was something that the others realized. It seemed that the redhead guessed that much. On his lips was now a massive grin as giving him a head pat. In the past, he would have flinched at the touch, but he got used to people showing kindness, which he had never felt in the past. Maybe the other knew this, and the male guessed that much. That was why he tried to be as nice to him. It made his heart fluttering at the read head. What that feeling was he didn't know, but it was one that he felt familiar with.

"Enma Kozato. You can call me whatever you want to call me."

He gave a small nod and soon a bright smile was on his lips.

"Tsunayoshi, you can call me Tsu-tsuna or whatever y-you want to En-nii-chan."

Something change as well, his stuttering got less and less. And he got more comfortable talking with people who were strangers to him.  Yet he still hadn't remembered anything else, other the memories he had a week ago. Soon, and he knew he would soon remember. As soon as he would meet his last guardian, that was what his HI told him.

"Alright, Tsuna-kun."

The other gave him his own bright smile back. Tsuna wanted to relax more but he needed to get it over with. 

"W-would you like t-to go jogging with me?"

The other hummed as he stood up.

"I wouldn't mind, and Adelheid is nagging on me anyway that I should go outside."

The other chuckled as mentioning someone. Whoever that was seemed to be someone close to the other. 

"Do you h-have some c-clothes with you?"

The blinked at this and giving him a grin.

"Don't worry about it. I won't run anyway as I am sure that you wouldn't manage to get to my speed. Maybe when you have your body back we can race each other."

That suggestion seemed nice to him and he hummed as he began to walk out. Not without telling Hayato that he was going on his daily jog and that En-nii-chan would join him. With this, they left, but he knew that he had people watch him, like Takeshi who was always hiding behind the shadows, to assure his safety. Or Kyo-nii-chan who seemed to hide as well. Somewhere was as well Mukuro. 

It was his HI who told him where they were and he wasn't minding it as he knew that they just wanted to protect him. His friends were overprotective, but that they let En-nii-chan with him "alone" meant that they trust the redhead, that he wouldn't hurt him. So he began to jog and the other had to slightly go a faster pace as he was rather fast, for kids body. But that was because he had trained now for 10 days straight and hardcore, or as hardcore it got. Tsuna knew for a fact that his father was gone easy on him.

"Extrem running!" (You can guess who that is lmao)

Tsuna jumped up and in his panic, he tripped when Enma wouldn't have caught him. His heart was going miles per hours and he felt shaken up slightly. Nothing new as it tended to happen when people were yelling. As the people from that place always yelled at him when he wasn't doing what they wanted him to do.

"You alright Tsuna-kun?"

He gave a small nod and a soft answer.

"Sorry ab-about this, j-just got j-jumpsc-scared by that y-yell."

Enma gave him a sympathetic look, and he guessed that the other knew too well how it was. The person who had yelled just a few seconds ago paused in his tracks and instantly ran up to him.

"Oh my god, I am sorry. Didn't mean to scare you to the extreme."

That made him look up, his big doe brown eyes met with grey eyes, familiar concerned one. The person had his eyes wide and soon he felt engulfed himself into a hug by that person. He was surprised at this and flinched a bit unintentionally. The male noticed and let go of the hug and put him back on his feet.

"Your my sky aren't you to the extreme?"

He felt his mouth gaping at the male, and soon he felt something else in him. It was as a puzzle piece fit together. The last one actually, his sun...

"Il mio sole..."

He whispered in Italian and it seemed both male noticed. The other froze hearing this and soon he felt ingulfed into another hug. This time he hugged back knowing that the male was someone he knew, his sole. The sun flames surprised him, but it wasn't just the sun flames but his flames reacted as well. 


Was all he could bring himself as he felt tears rolling down. He felt complete, but this reaction was different than the others as the latter felt like a big brother figure to him. That feeling he knew too well. His head began to hurt and he felt the world turn upside down as he passed out...

Hehe, the loud sun arrived. I hope you enjoyed it and I wonder why his head is in pain hehe.~  Be ready as the next two chapters are chapters that you finally know how his guardians have met. I see you all in the next chapter ja ne.~

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