24 . They catch you masturbing 💖

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Upupu! This is the sister chapter of  "You catch them masturbing" So behold !


~☆~☆~☆                                                 ☆~☆~☆~

Laying on your bed , cheeks flushed, your gaze hooded, you were playing with yourself. The thoughts of your lover being the one doing that to you instead of your fingers was turning you on beyond point .
And just as you felt coming closer to end , close to feeling the nirvana ,
The door of your room opened...

💚~ Rantaro Amami ~💚

As the door creaked open, a sudden gasp left your mouth at the fact you just got caught and that you just cummed right away . Meanwhile Rantaro who had his hand still on the door knob was looking at you with a bewildered expression, his eyes wide .
The red on your cheeks was not of excitement but now of shame of being caught , displayed so vulgar and vulnerable to his view with your hand between your legs .
He gulped down, eyes still not leaving your form as he closed the door behind him . Slowly making his way toward you before crawling on the bed and hovering over you .

" Well that wasn't what I was expecting when coming to check on you but I did enjoy the view . Now would you let me use my fingers on you ? "

🍇~ Kokichi Oma ~🍇

Originally the male had a huge grin on his face as he wanted to tell you the latest prank he pulled on Kaito .
However, the sight that great him was not the one he had in mind when coming over , not that it doesn't satisfied him.
Closing the door, the smile fell from his lips to be replaced with a smirk.

" What is it Y/n ? Were you so horny that you took care of the matter with your own hand ? Tsk, seems you were too desperate to wait for me huh ? "

🔍~ Shuichi Saihara ~🔍

Seeing you in such a position to his view only was one of his fantasies. Your flushed expression , the depraved position, Shuichi loves it all .
As you tried to cover yourself, he had already grab your wrist to restrain your movement and close the door.
Looking at him, you saw that he was in a lust trance , his iris dilated, ragged breath escaping his lips.

" ...Don't cover yourself, you're so beautiful right now... Please do it again, touch yourself for my sight only... "

💛~ Kiibo Idabashi ~💛

As you wake up , you notice that you aren't in your room . The environment around you was boiling hot.
It seemed that you were in hell, so you asked the next demon what you were doing here as you were having a good life .

" You aren't punished, you are the punishment. "

You honk in joy ! It's a lovely morning in hell and you are a horrible goose !

...Sorry about that but just , like no. Kokichi would have my skin if I tried to sin the robot .

🌸~ Korekiyo Shinguji ~🌸

Welp , all I have to say is bondage and punishment.
Kork gave you a rule about not touching yourself without his permission and look at the situation right now .
You fucked up.

" Did you forgot about the rules kitten ? *takes out rope* Don't worry I will remind you of them "

🚀~ Kaito Momota ~🚀

His face took a deep crimson color and he forgot how to speak for a second at the sight . Then he would close and lock the door before making his way toward you pulling a blanket over you , his body still feeling effect from you.
He would scold you but can't hide the fact that he found it hot.

" You're so careless, anyone could have walked in instead of me ? What? You knew I would come? S-so it was on purpose ?! The things you do to me..."

🐛~ Gonta Gokuhara ~🐛

The only place you will have your hands is by your side as you wander to your usual activity in the academy.
I ain't taking risk to fight with the Gonta soft stan , not today .
Also if you read the scenario till this point , stop for today and go drink some water.
Water is important for the body.

" It's important to stay hydrated! Even more after physical effort where you sweat! "

~☆~☆~☆                                         ☆~☆~☆~

*Sipping Grape Juice*

Fancy to see y'a here ,

Another kinky motherkuma asked for NSFW  smh.


See you next time ~☆

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