15 . You kill someone 💖

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Daughter, right now you are in a deep *kuma* . Why ? Well let me remind you what happened like five minutes ago :


You guys has been tucked in this game for so many days that you don't know anymore if you have been here for months or years . After founding this big computer thingy, Miu had an idea and did something  (finally useful ) with it .

Soon she finished and present you the neo world were you guys could be free again. Without time , everyone log into the server and found yourselves into tiny and cute version of you .

As you guys were investigating the place , you were on the roof with Gonta when suddenly the wind blows up and a large piece of tissue get on your face . Out of panic you run everywhere and bump into Gonta, pushing on the edge and with the poor stability of the moment, he fall behind the edge, falling on the ground.


You successfully got rid of the thing and run toward the edge of the roof looking down

" Gonta? Gonta! Oh shit what's going on ?"

And here we are , now let's see the boys reactions to this .

~☆~☆~☆                                                 ☆~☆~☆~

~💚 Rantaro Amami 💚~

Side : Reality 

Soon everyone was in front of the house and looking at Gonta avatar, no one knows what was happening even Miu . So you all disconnected and take out the helmet only to find Gonta on his seat not moving.

Miu look at the helmet before taking it out , then everyone gasp at what was behind. The boy had his eyes wide with tears and his teeth gritted. You know what was happening and immediately after the cursed sound played for the first time in this school.

" DING DONG BING BONG ! A body has been discovered, after a short amount of time a class trial will be held. "

He was dead and it was your fault , you killed him. At the thought of it , you fall on your knees and bawl your eyes out crying. Rantaro run to your side holding your sobbing form .


" What are you saying dear ? We know that you were with him on the roof but we also know that you love everyone and promise to escape with me so we know that you wouldn't do that . "

Everyone else agreed, to them you were innocent. As the students were separated into two groups , one investigating the neo world while the other was looking through the files of the computer. You were staying with some helping with looking at the real Gonta while Rantaro was in the Neo program. You didn't see the point in searching when you knew that you killed him . But Shuichi came talking to you .

" Y/n ? Can I ask you some questions ? "

" Sure , ask away . "

" What happened on the roof at the moment of the murder ? "

" I was looking around when suddenly the wind blows and a large piece of tissue get on my face blocking my vision when I got rid of it , Gonta was already down. "

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