21 . You catch them masturbing 💖

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Here is a nsfw request, so like always if you guys are uncomfortable don't read this and don't get mad at me I'm just doing my job .

Also I recommend to play the song  (my Playlist is really suspicious I know )

So...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


(This sound so wrong, don't report me pls-)

~☆~☆~☆                                                ☆~☆~☆~

To start off, I would like to point that during the game and his free times events. Rantaro was established as asexual. He had no interest in romance nor sex . But as we know that his dad is a hoe who impregnated women at least 13 times. It seems logical that Rantaro got some common traits.

What I mean is , once Rantaro got a taste of sex , then this boy will turn into a freaking nympho .

Sexual drive 100 %

And I think he will even question himself why he didn't did it earlier.

Now you understand why I picture Rantaro as a sexual freak.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

💚~ Rantaro Amami ~💚

You were in the shower when you heard noises coming from your bedroom. You put a tower around your body before quiting the bathroom.

Your eyes widen at the sight on your bed , laying with his eyes closed, a firm hand on his member and ragged breath leaving his lips as your name pass them from time.

Rantaro was jerking off until he suddenly stopped and opened his green orbs to glanced at you , a lazy smirk making his way to his face .

" Care to help me babe ? "

🍇~ Kokichi Oma ~🍇

You guys were cooking some cake with cream on it and when was the time to put the cream into the biscuit, the bowl fall out of your grip somehow splashing you with the white liquid on the face and chest .

You told Kokichi to finish without you as you were back to your room to shower. He only nodded as he gulped down with rosy cheeks.

Later you were going to his room to check on him and heard a groan . Thinking he hurt himself you entered his room only to find him masturbing.

Startled by your intrusion he placed a pillow on his lap while his flustered self look at you surprised but it didn't last long as his confidence went back and something told you that you would need to take another shower later .

" Now that you're here , what about we realized a fantasy of mine . "

🔍~ Shuichi Saihara ~🔍

No context for this one but whatever the scenarios unfold his reaction would be the same .

If you catch him masturbing, he will be a flustered and embarrassed mess and will try to ask you to leave while stuttering and you would most likely be like UwU and go hug him despite his current appearance.

" P-please leave ! "

This emo baby ÙwÚ 💜

💛 ~ Kiibo Idabashi ~💛

Sinned the robot they said , He have a dick they said , Come on just write it they said.

Some of you never had to write for nsfw for non-human being and it shows.

Just to say that Kiibo most likely doesn't feel the need to masturbate.

Thank you

🌸~ Korekiyo Shinguji ~🌸

Catching him doing that would be your worst mistake pal .

Prepare for what will either be the best moment of your  life or the worst. It depends on your kinks .

Before you even knew it , he had close the door and took a rope from under his bed .

" Let's experiment something "

🚀~ Kaito Momota ~🚀

This boy is most likely to get highly embarrassed if you caught him and he might start yelling while trowing things at you to get out .

Don't worry he will apologize later and you will too for entering without knocking.

" AHHHHHHHHH !!! GET OUT ! GET OUT ! *Trow random things at Y/n* "

🐛~ Gonta Gokuhara ~🐛

Gonta is a good boi

Gonta doesn't masturbate

Gonta's protection squad is telling you all to back off before you get smacked the fuck off .

Go play Trouble by RM and Jin if you guys are horny .

~☆~☆~☆                                                  ☆~☆~☆~

*Sipping orange juice*

And another request done !

Well gotta go back to work so...

See you next time! ~☆

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