23 . Their girlfriend is pregnant 💖

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Another nsfw request, you people are horny on main and 24/7 ! I swear this book is now only pure filth, fuckme- wait don't.
Anyway, it's accidental pregnancy like :
The pull-out game is weak or the condom broke/slipped off.
Got it ? Good.


~☆~☆~☆                                                 ☆~☆~☆~

💚~ Rantaro Amami ~💚

He would be calm about it, he knew he fucked up real good but if anything he won't left you . He will take his responsibility and if Monokuma has a problem with the situation he would take care of it .

Sure it was one of the last thing he expected happening here but this give him just one more reason to escape.

" Don't worry Y/n , I will make my best for you and our baby . I won't be like my father , I promise you that... "

🍇~ Kokichi Oma ~🍇

His face will express many emotions.

First he would be softly smiling before grinning, then he would giggle and then the giggle would turn into a gigantic laugh.

Laugh that will bring tears out of his eyes before profusely sobbing and crying , bawling his eyes out .

" This is what I get for being horny ! I- We can't let the others know about it or they will use it against us or worse ! Trying to harm our child to get out ! "

🔍~ Shuichi Saihara ~🔍

He would confused on how it did happen , he his most likely the most careful of all the boys so he would have many doubt .

It will go so far that he might doubt it's his own. But don't worry because he knows that you wouldn't do that to him.

Either way , he will try to think of a solution has your bump will appear soon and Monokuma will use it as a threat against you .

" I swear that I will protect the both of you. This child is our miracle and I will let no harm come to them. "

💛~Kiibo Idabashi ~💛

He is a robot how in the holy Funyarinpa-

Anyway, IF it ever had to happen : boi would be a mess and will tried to get advice from the person he trust and would help the most .


And it was one of the worst error because Miu didn't acknowledge the fact that you're pregnant.

No she acknowledge the fact that in order to get pregnant you got the D . So yeah she kinda scream it at the whole Academy and Monokuma was after your ass .

" O-okay I got this ! Maybe I don't but I will try my best for you ! "

🌸~ Korekiyo Shinguji ~🌸

His sister would be thrilled. He would be so thrilled.

So thrilled that he want to make a sacrifice to his sister .

Alexa play Suga Seesaw

Other than that he would be chill.

" Ahh~ I wonder how they will look like~ truly a blessing! A beautiful human is going to join us soon! "

🚀~ Kaito Momota ~🚀

Contemplate life and wonder where he messed up.

Well he will assume his responsibility because he isn't an asshole but he didn't expect having a child so soon.

Label Maki and Shuichi as the Godparents because why not .

Also don't let Kokichi approach you or your bump in a 2 meter perimeter.

" Kokichi don't talk to me or my child ever again . "

🐛~ Gonta Gokuhara ~🐛

OMG for you to be pregnant in the first place you would have to be intimate with him-

...I'm sorry but my mind can't pictures this. Like , this baby boy is the softest ever like he would be extra careful and all...

But if it ever happened, you would trust a few of your comrades to help you and he would be happy.

" I'm so happy to know that a mini-you or mini-me is going to here with us ! I can't wait to meet them! "

~☆~☆~☆                                             ☆~☆~☆~

*Sipping that fancy orange juice*

Hello I'm back from the dead,

Also a Halloween chapter is maybe on its way .

That's all .

Oh wait , if you have a request leave it on the the request page at the start of the book or else your comments will lose himself under other comments.

Now ,

See you next time ~☆

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