Chapter 9.

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Excuse any typos.

Lily in mm.


I went back inside to the party. I went over to see Michael sitting in the den area with some girl. She was sitting on his lap and he was smoking a blunt. He know that shit can ruin his career. Don't let nobody tell him that tho cause he clearly don't give a fuck. He just came from outside the pool area with another girl. He was on 10 tonight.

"Hey Mike, you seen Diamond?"

"Nope. Why would I have seen her?"

"Well you seen Cierra?"

"Nah after we fucked she went straight to the bar"

"Y'all fucked??"


"King know?"

"King ain't gotta know every little thing bout his siblings. They different people. He drunk off his ass anyway. He ain't gon remember shit"

"Yea but-"

"Look I'm a little busy. Why you wanna know anyway? You tryna fuck??"

"No man...I just wanna talk to her"

"For what?"

"Cause she seemed a lil off that's all"

"Yea everybody know she been off her meds for a while"

"What if that's not true"


"I mean what if she been taking them she just has-"

"Problems. Yea we know."

"No. Anxiety. She has anxiety. Social anxiety I could tell. I -"

"Don't tell me you bout to say you have it. I thought you got over that sad shit man" he said as he continued to smoke.

"I did..."

He rolled his eyes and laughed a little. "You acting like a sack right now bruh. Just go find Kevin and see if he seen her."

I shook my head and walked away. Yea I had real bad anxiety growing up. Every little thing triggered me for no reason. I always felt like the odd man out until I moved here, made the football team and could be going to college off a full ride from football. I had to overcome a lot of my anxiety socially. It was so hard for me to speak in public or just talk to anyone period. Diamond....I've been watching her ever since I moved here three years ago. We went to the same middle school and now the same high school. Ironic. She was always so nice and sweet to everyone she met but I could always sense her being nervous. Now I see why. Social anxiety. I've had it too that's why I never gotten up the courage to talk to her. But tonight she just seemed really off and on edge. She probably hates me tho. She seemed like she did when she got all mad and stuff. But hey, I still like her a lot.

I went to the front of the house to see Kevin and King so drunk and high off their ass.

"Kev you seen Diamond?"

"Nahhhhhh have you??? Cause I got a lottttttt of questions for her fine ass"

I shook my head. "Y'all need to go lay down or sum"

"Nigga don't tell me what I should do. You should be taking shots right now"

"Whatever" I walked off outside and still didn't see her. I'm pretty sure she went home by now. I went back inside and had a drink cause why the hell not?

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