Ground Rules (for Love and War) - Pt.2/2

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2. Of friendship and love

Your heart nearly gave out at the fright and instantly started to hammer wildly in your ribcage.

You couldn't see in the sudden pitch-dark room, but you could sense two large frames of supersoldiers stepping into your space protectively, their backs to you, facing the potential threat.

The heat of their bodies reassured you as your breathing sounded way too loud, your heartbeat seemingly bouncing off of the walls, filling the large space. Needing to feel something, your shaky hand reached out, colliding with Steve's wrist; at least you assumed it was Steve's. He swiftly turned his hand, squeezing yours before letting go and focusing on the danger lurking in the dark.

You held your breath in anticipation, moments stretching. Why was nothing happening?

Clearly, Bucky had been brought here under false pretences and there was a thick chance that whoever had got him here – F.R.I.D.A.Y.?! – counted on you being here as well. Did they take Steve into account or was he the one variable that could mean the difference between death and life?

The icy silence was broken by a series of strangely familiar beeps.

You jumped good two feet above the floor at the sudden interruption, you pulse skyrocketing.

It was coming from your left, where Bucky stood, the unzipped pocket of his hoodie giving out a faint light.

He cautiously pulled the phone out, his face illuminated by the greyish glow. He eyed it absently, trying to stay on alert for an attack. Then his shoulders slumped, his eyes closing shut.

What? WHAT?! What was happening? Was it a death threat? To him? To someone else? To the whole world?

As the silence stretched once more, only interrupted by Bucky's low growl, your mind was racing, coming out with different catastrophic scenarios. And suddenly something clicked.

"Were those... sounds from the Angry Birds game?" you broke the deadly quiet and Bucky's growl was more distinct this time.

"Yes," Bucky confirmed darkly and you could feel Steve slowly relax by your side, the tension radiating from him easing as if was brought up to speed with what was going on. He was still standing dangerously close to you, but you weren't about to complain. Definitely not until you knew what was going on. "I'm going to murder him. Slowly. And painfully."

He sounded truly pissed off. But also annoyed. You forced yourself to take a deep breath.

"Who's him and what is he saying?" you asked, voice thin. Despite some of the fear leaving your body, your knees felt like buckling. Good thing Steve was so close that he would be able to catch you. Or perhaps his presence was one of the reasons why you felt weak in your knees?

"Homing pigeon, who else? Wilson."

Oh. Oh.

Wait, what?

"Shitted you pants, didn't you?" Bucky read out loud and you could hear him grinding his teeth. Illuminated by the phone screen, he looked like he was about to live up to his reputation as the Winter Soldier. "You didn't get a heart-attack though, did you? Because that would be considerably less fun. Enjoy your lockdown, Barnes."

"Oh thank god," you breathed out, finally endlessly relieved.

"I'm gonna hold him while you punch him, Buck. And then I'm gonna punch you. This has got too far. You wanna play cat and mouse, please, by all means, but do not pull us into it," Steve said seriously, his voice carrying a hint of disappointment and irritation at his friends' behaviour.

Lessons in Rule Breaking and Other Reader-Inserts*Steve Rogers*Reader*Where stories live. Discover now