The Best Mistake of My Life - Pt.3/7

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3. Masquerade

An average American had sex on the third date; taking the big step in a relationship, as your friend helpfully remarked when you told her about the upcoming event. Needless to say, Steven Grant Rogers was not an average American. He was Captain America, i.e. an Avenger, technically was 95 years old (soon turning 96) and was not used to the pace of 21st century relationship.

To be honest, you didn't mind a bit; there was no physical pressure on your relationship. Sure, the man was such a fine specimen it should be illegal and you would love to climb him like a tree, but it was a nice change of pace. You never really liked the whole third date thing. When you felt like it should happen, it should happen, right? That was how you saw it, so you were alright with Steve being a bit old-fashioned when it came to physical stuff.

Of course, he was also your soulmate. While with other guys you didn't feel the need to rush, with Steve, you somehow felt a need not to rush. Maybe you were overthinking his sensibilities, maybe not. The bottom-line was: you took it slow.

So, with the fact that a kiss on a cheek – from you to him – happened on your second date (if the diner counted as the first) given, you truly didn't expect him to... push you into anything even resembling a second base. Hell, you weren't sure you were on the first.

Average American had sex on the third date. You, having your third date with Steve Rogers, were about to take a different important step; to meet his friends. On a party. Steve's (supposedly secret) birthday party. Oh boy. To say you were intimidated by the idea of meeting the Avengers would be an understatement.

And Steve wasn't helping.

"They are... perhaps a bit much, but... they are the only true friends I have. I want you to meet my friends. I'd like to introduce you," he stated while you walked side by side in a park at the end of your date number two.

Your hands had been brushing his and vice versa for several minutes now and you couldn't handle it, simply interlacing your fingers with his. He gave you a sweet smile when you did so, signalling he was more than okay with it, drawing a circle on the back of your hand.

"But... what if they won't, uhm, approve of me?" you asked, your insides uncomfortably clenched.

He stopped in his tracks, forcing you to do the same. His free hand slowly rose to your arm, gently squeezing.

"They will. And if they don't... they will with time. You're my soulmate. I think we have the most important approval in our pocket already."

The smile he gave you was soft yet blinding, making your heart grow. You had only met the second time and you already seemed to know each other for months, responding maybe hesitantly, but instinctively the right way as if something between you was reaching out, guiding one another. It was wonderful. A bit scary, but immensely wonderful.

You were gazing into his eyes, swearing you could see galaxies. You quickly learned to love the little green in his irises, staining the sky blue, somehow making it... better. Your mouth acted on its own.

"Okay. I'll... okay." Did you just agree?! "What the occasion will be?"

He cleared his throat, lowering his gaze. "My birthday."


"And before you think of going crazy about a gift for me-" he stopped your train of thought before it started – how did he know? "-when you show up, it will be the greatest gift."

Sappy, whispered a small voice in your head.

You love it, sing-sang your heart, melting.

Lessons in Rule Breaking and Other Reader-Inserts*Steve Rogers*Reader*Where stories live. Discover now