The Line between Respectful and Stupid - Pt.5/5

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5. Keep calm and stay professional 

The way back to SHIELD headquarters was silent as was the taking off. Three agents identified themselves, arriving in three different cars; you two rode in the middle one when coming to the closest private airport. During the flight, no one uttered a word – it was like Steve had no idea what to say now and you had no idea what you could. So silence it was; and it was far from the comfortable one you were in after he had found you sleeping by his bedside.

You arrived back at Triskelion; you parted ways with a quiet nod, because hand-shake might be painful for you.

On medical, the doctor on duty was praising the lovely stitches you had, looking honestly shocked when you told her they were Steve's – Captain America's. You called him his rank, because you knew where your place was and since you were back to reality, Steve seemed to realize it too. 'Common sense' met 'SHIELD training of agents (over)respecting their superiors' and this was the result.

Life went on. You returned to paper-pushing, because you had been hurt on the mission and you definitely couldn't go back to the field since you weren't even able to fire your gun correctly or do extended exercise. Life went on and it was... boring and grey. The only highlight was Harry smacking your uninjured arm with a worried-slash-playful hiss of 'I told you NOT to get shot.' His concern was heart-warming.


It had been a week. With a little help of lady fortune, you had met Steve Rogers – correction, Captain America, Sir – three times.

The first time, he was with an agent you didn't recognize. Yet, you couldn't help but smile when seeing him. Your "Morning, Captain Rogers. Morning, Agent," (because your ma' raised you right) was almost enthusiastic, yet kept professional. The agent responded with the same greeting. Steve... gave an inconspicuous nod. You could feel your stomach drop, but tried not to read too much into it.

The second time though, he was alone. You greeted him the same way, except it was the afternoon. And Captain Rogers responded with a silent stiff nod only. Again.

The third time you saw him in your way, you honestly wanted to take another route to your office space just to avoid him. But you could tell that his companion spotted you even when they were talking business or whatever; it would look bad if you suddenly spun on your heels in the middle of the corridor and disappeared. So, you decided to be a big girl who wasn't hurt by Captain's indifference towards her and continued walking with a lump growing in your throat.

Your heart was practically jumping ahead of the rest of your body – that was how fast it was beating. You hoped it didn't show.

"Captain Rogers, Agent Romanov," you said, way quieter than was polite. Neither of them seemed to mind.

Captain Rogers gave you his typical nod of acknowledgement, making you want to scream.

Asshat. So full of himself. Arrogant dumbass.

And you had been a dumbass too of course, for not realizing right away that he had been 'friendly' simply because of something called 'professional courtesy' and 'inconvenient circumstances'. Translated to everyday speech – because he had had to and you had been the only person in the twenty mile radius. Now, he was the legend who wasn't mingling with ordinary agents and apparently didn't have the decency to return a hello.

'My ma' raised me right' my ass, Rogers.'

The shocking part came when Agent Romanov reciprocated your greeting with a smile that looked too suspicious on her lips.

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