The Line between Respectful and Stupid - Pt. 1/5

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You heard a lot about the famous Captain America - he was a living legend after all, stories about him whispered in the halls of SHIELD at every corner.

Being one of the newest recruits finally-turned-agents, you didn't expect to meet the man personally though.

And you definitely didn't expect to find out that there was so much more to the man than his shield and the alleged stick shoved up his ass. Or not.

Alternatively: 'The Ass-et' or 'The List'. You'll see why.


1. God bless office rats

Being one of the newest recruits-finally-turned-agents, you didn't expect to be more than a paper-pusher honestly. You couldn't say you were exactly content with that, but hey, at least you left the imaginary nest of baby to-be-agents relatively soon, actually feeling a bit proud. A bit.

As it turned out, you were about to be a paper-pusher; for like a day. And then Agent Kirski - big fella, in all senses if the word, one of the big fishes, a legend - casually walked into the office where desks of agents on duty were barely divided into boots to create an illusion of their own private space, stopped right in front of your desk, crossed his arms on his chest and with serious eyes told you: Agent 19, you're up. Wheels up in thirty.

And your whole mind was a one huge what the frack with three question marks alternating with exclamation marks and you stared ahead of yourself for at least five minutes until Harry, the good friend of everyone in the office space he was, nudged you with a gentle smile, excited and a bit worried.

"Don't get yourself shot, Little One. You're too young to retire," the man with grey hair said to you with a grin, thinking how funny he was since he was the one who actually was supposed to be retiring like two years ago.

You chuckled self-depreciatingly to humour him and let a quiet "Don't worry." slip out.

Which was clearly a serious mistake, because ten minutes after your team - under the strict command of Captain Steve Rogers aka Captain America, how the fuck had you got to this mission again? - landed its quinjet, things blew up.


Because it was a set-up.

Seemingly an abandoned base was in fact full of members of terrorist organization which was inspired by Nazi's HYDRA and they apparently developed a new tech to mask themselves from SHIELD's radars, because suddenly there were tens of people versus your barely coordinated group of seven.

You didn't even have time to take cover.

"Look out!" a male voice you couldn't place yelled from your right and you frantically scanned your surroundings, not sure if it was a warning meant for you.

When bullets started raining around you, miraculously avoiding your body, you were suddenly more than confident that the speaker - whoever he was - definitely wanted to address you.

You crouched behind the nearest tree, peeking to find a target, the quinjet still open few feet from you. Not that you checked because wanted to run back into it and then fly away, happily returning to paper-pushing. Not at all.

Maybe a bit.

When the insane fire, making splinters and leaves looking like they had been through a smoothie machine, stopped flashing around you, you got out of your cover just for an inch to return few bullets to the enemy.

"Shit!" you hissed under your breath when the joke turned out to be on you, a bullet going straight through your arm.

The shocking pain came like a tide-wave only few seconds later when you were secured behind your poor natural shield of a tree. You felt tears in your eyes at the gnawing agony, biting the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from screaming.

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