The Best Mistake of My Life - Pt.7/7

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Don't worry about the slightly ominous chapter title. You have nothing to fear, I promise. (I mean, the gif could be a good clue, maybe?) There is like... thirty seconds of angst. Also, the rating is bordering with mature here, I guess? I don't even know anymore.

Either way, enjoy :))


7. Troublemakers

Both Natasha and Steve ended up in a need of a shower, getting hit twice. You were glad Clint had used yellow paint and not red; you rather had less visual for nightmares that would now probably hunt you from time to time, though you had no doubt your mind would supply for the missing images to summon a perfect horror.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about what Clint said..." Steve started softly as you entered his room and you sighed, cutting him off before he could finish the sentence, cupping his still sweaty cheek.

Seeing his mood down plucked up your own courage. He needed reassurance and you were willing to give it.

"It's reality, Steve. I can't just live in a fairy tale, no matter how good you are at making me feel like living in one," you comforted him, taking his face to both hands. "You warned me the very first day. And it's okay. I have to get used to it."

"Have to?" he echoed weakly, his brilliant eyes reflecting his inner struggle.

You charmed a smile for him, rising to your toes to plant a light kiss on his lips.

"I do if I want to keep you, don't I?"

He was searching you face for a long time before speaking up.

"Do you?"

"...want to keep you?" you guessed what he was asking, your voice holding your disbelief at his sudden insecurity. You didn't even wait for confirmation, you knew your hunch was right and it made your chest ache. "Duh! Don't go stupid on me now, Rogers."

"It's just-"

You shifted your hands, one of them gripping on his nape and shut him up by smacking your mouths together.

Stupid, stupid worries you both had! Fuck fear and insecurities! You were great together so far!

Steve froze under you for a fraction of second before his arm sneaked around your waist, pulling you to him and holding you steady, helping you to tiptoe. He ducked his head too, allowing you to deepen the kiss, lips salty due to his previous activities. You pressed closer to him, enjoying the warmth and firmness, indulging the sigh he let out when you licked into his mouth with no regards. His fingers flexed on you, his hand plunging into your hair to tilt your head for better access as he started dominating the kiss.

And then you lost the firm ground under your feet. Literally. He raised you from the floor as if you weighted nothing, balancing you with only one arm around you, spinning you and taking several tiny steps until you found yourself sandwiched between his body and a wall. He easily swallowed your yelp of surprise, the hand on your back sneaking to your hip instead, as yours had moved to grip his shoulders.

Sweet baby Jesus, that was new. Also, hello, what a great sensation to your hands, feeling his deltoids. And biceps... triceps... whatever muscles made his shoulders and arms so freaking huge. And god, his body against yours.... When he eased the pressure, nibbling on your lower lip instead and giving you room to breathe in properly, you couldn't remember how to do that.

You panted, surrounded and intoxicated by all that was him, letting out an inhuman noise when he peppered softer kisses along your jaw, finding a spot behind your ear you hadn't even known about.

Lessons in Rule Breaking and Other Reader-Inserts*Steve Rogers*Reader*Where stories live. Discover now