The Best Mistake of My Life - soulmate AU - Pt. 1/7

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They say having a soulmate is a blessing. Who wouldn't love the idea of star-crossed lovers, right?

Neither Steve Rogers nor you consider yourself lucky though. It probably has something to do with the lines written on your skin. Because if the words are anything to go by, you're not sure you want to meet each other.

Set mostly after The Avengers.


Perhaps it's a bit silly, but I'm finally crossing out Soulmate AU of my mental writer's bucket list. I wanted to do that for a loooong time, because I adore that trope. So here's one of my takes on it, I'm afraid I might write another one sometime in the future; clearly, that's what my brain does, coming up with fluffy short stories concerning Steve.

Enjoy? And if you're willing, let me know what you thought, no matter how ;)


1. The words

Steve Rogers was born a sickly baby.

Born a sickly boy to a single mother in the time of great depression, money thin, his health even thinner and having a pathetic number of friends; though that never really bothered him. What his friendships lacked in quantity was hundred times compensated by quality. Bucky Barnes' loyalty was everything Steve could ask for.

And what Steven Grant Rogers himself lacked in height and strength of body was made up for by the strength of will, amount of determination and a great compassionate heart, ready to welcome anyone sans bullies there.

Perhaps God had seen that Steven would grow into a man carrying his heart on his sleeve and decided that this man should be blessed with a love so magnificent they would tell stories about it; people always had. People were always telling tales about soulmates.

Having a soulmate wasn't necessarily rare, but not everyone was bound to have one. Being one of the lucky ones was an amazing gift; a promise of a connection as unbreakable as the thread of fate, a promise of an unconditional love.

To know person had found the one, their soulmate, those who were blessed with one wore a brand on their skin, a clue to allow them to recognize their destined partner; a set of words.

It was the set of words what was troubling Steve Rogers the most. Despite Bucky's reassurance, despite his mother's last words, despite Steve willingness to fight everything else the world would kick into his way, he found moments in his life he cursed the words written on his skin, reminding him how weak he would always seem to people.

Above the visible line of his collarbone, sticking out on his rather skeletal frame, there sat the words of doom:

'Oh no, there must be a mistake.'

The very first time his soulmate would spoke to him... they would be disappointed and silently praying that whatever force was behind bounding souls together made one hell of a misstep. A mistake.

That was what Steve was going to be to his soulmate; a mistake. A failure. A disappointment.

And why wouldn't he be? Ninety-pounds of rattling bones, list of illnesses longer than his birth certificate.... Every girl Bucky had ever tried to set him up with out of pity (which Bucky would deny until his last breath) had been disappointed.

"Maybe she'll be more into brunettes. Maybe she won't believe her soulmate is blond at first," his friend would say, "or she'll be from Queens and wouldn't get over the fact you're not, but once you'll show her the true Brooklyn charm, she'll fall to your feet."

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