This is My Fight

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Chapter 32

This is My Fight

I turn and walk straight through the crowd of people wondering if Chase will keep his word. One thing I’ll never understand is people flocking to what could be their death. I don’t know why they see a raving madman threatening all of humanity and decide to crowd around him for a better look.

Only a couple human police are present and they seem to be completely at a loss as to what to do. I pause to listen for sirens, but hear none. I doubt any are on their way either. Attacks are happening all over the city, and this is just one ranting man, he is not their biggest problem right now.

Well he is, but most Supernaturals don’t know that, much less humans. So the only thing here to protect these people, is me. I’m the only one who knows this man isn’t just some crazy fool. He’s the one commanding the attacks across the country. Elbows out, I budge through the crowd until I’ve made it to the center. One man stands there: Fredrick Housen.

He spots me almost instantly. He doesn’t look even a little surprised to see me here. I’m sure he’s knows I’ve been looking for him.

“Aurora Mitchel,” he says and laughs. “Come to save your little humans?”

 “No, just came to kill you,” I inform him and his laughter rings out again. Some of the crowd gasps either at my proclamation or at the idea that someone as small as me could take on someone as large as Housen.

I don’t give him the chance to catch his breath and get the upper hand before attacking. Right before the entire crowd, I vanish from sight. It freaks a few humans out, which is mildly entertaining, but I keep my focus. Housen pauses to look around, assuming I’ve already begun to move. He hasn’t fought me fairly, when I can use my powers. He’s only ever beaten me while I was restrained and restricted from using my power. It’s pathetic really, for a supposed all-powerful alpha shifter.

I let him freak for moment until I finally decide to attack. Running straight at him, I land a solid punch on his face.

“I totally owed you that one, asshole!” I say, remembering the times he punched me when I couldn’t fight back.

Of course now that he has a sense of where I am, he begins to fight back and he is a damn good fighter. I drop the Glamour because it’s doing no good now that we’re head to head. Chase is holier-than-thou about vampires a lot, but it’s not all crap. A strong vampire can almost always beat a strong shifter in a one on one because vampires simply move quicker. I’m no powerful vampire, but I’ve spent a lot of time working on my vampire abilities with Chase in the last two months. I can track all his movements with ease. So I dodge most of his hits, only getting grazed by his knuckles a couple times.

Barely a bruise, I think, smirking. This is easier than I thought.

I grab onto his shoulders and aim a kick at the groin when Housen shifts. I’m caught by surprise. I certainly didn’t expect him to shift in the middle of combat and I sure as hell didn’t expect his wolf form to be up to my waist on all fours. Taken aback by the moment, I forget to think- forget to move- and Housen gets the upper hand.

His head ducks and before I can act, his teeth are sinking into my thigh. I scream in pain and grab a fist of his fur in attempt to make it stop. I can’t think. I can’t take my mind off the pain long enough to clear my mind and come up with a defense. His teeth finally let go and I fall to the ground in relief. The wolf stands, my blood in his teeth, and I swear he smiles at me.

That’s all I need. I’ve never tried an Illusion on a shifted animal before, but no time like the present I suppose. Before the creature can strike again I send him a wall of fire. The man in his shifted form is much more prone to instinct and cowers away from the flames that now have him tracked in a circle.

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