Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The morning seemed to drag by slowly. I’ve always hated Fridays; they’re crunched and chaotic. By lunch time I was exhausted and hungry. I walked into the lunchroom to find it extremely loud, so I just walked to my table and pulled out my lunch. After a few minutes, my only friend showed up.

“Why the glum face?!” cried Cora

“I ran into Zander this morning and I’m tired” I whispered

“Did he say anything?”

“Called me a-“

And right at that moment, my phone buzzed telling me I had a message. I checked it and noticed it was from twitter. That means the boys broadcasted the winner. My stomach was now filled with butterflies. I unlocked my iPhone and opened it.

@onedirection: hey everybody, I bet you’re all waiting for the winner ha. well the winner is… @ayeits_sarah. Congrats to her! And we love you all #bestfansever

“OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD! I WON. I WON I WON I WON I WON!!” I shouted so loud everybody went quiet.

“Holy shit Sarah. Seriously?!”

“YES!” and I showed her the tweet.

“OMG. Let’s get out of here!” she yelled while jumping up

“Okay!” we walked to the office and lied saying I was sick so Cora was going to take me home. One lie never hurt anyone. I was shaking still from the excitement of being with my favorite band for a whole year. This is something that I just can’t pass up.

She rode home with me because she rides home with me after school anyways. When I pulled up in the drive way I had to let it out. I screamed so loud, I’m surprised my car windows didn’t break. Cora walked in my house and started looking through the cabinets for food. She’s always just made herself at home here.

“I’m going to call my mom and tell her. Find us food to eat. And can you make me a cup of teeea plllllease?” I asked doing my best puppy dog eyes.

“Fine, but I’m making mac and cheese.”

I didn’t reply, I just started walking up stairs to my room. I opened my laptop and logged into twitter. Whoa my followers went from 89, to over 70 thousand. Not only that, but my mentions were blowing up with “follow me back :)” “you’re so lucky for winning” “ask the boys to follow me back”. After a couple minutes of following back, I found the haters. I knew this was coming. I just ignored them and dialed the phone to call mama.

“Hey honey, shouldn’t you be in school? You know, learning?” she questioned.

“Haha, well you know the contest for winning a tour with one direction?”

“How can I not, you talk about it all the time sweetie.”

“I won.” I said barely in a whisper

“What? Oh goodness that’s great! I’m coming home now.” She shouted

“Okay, Cora’s over. And could we maybe go shopping?” my baby voice was coming out.

“I suppose. Well, I will tell my assistant to cancel my meetings. Be ready when I get there.”

“Alrighty, and thanks mama. Love you”

“Love you too baby.” After that I heard the line go dead.

I smelled something burnt. I grunted and ran down stairs to find Cora burning the noodles. That girl can’t cook to save her soul. I just walked into the kitchen and laughed. She was scooping the noodles into the trash.

“Mama’s on her way home so just put that in the sink.” I told her.

“I should just give up on cooking huh?” she laughed.

“Probably.” I smiled at her and we just walked up stairs to make sure we looked presentable to go out in public. I logged back into twitter and wrote a tweet.

@ayeits_sarah: Wow, I didn’t think I would win. I’m so excited, I’m still shaking. Haha, I will follow back as many as I can. But for now, I have to pack ;) #HereWeGo

Not even one minute of posting, it had been retweeted, favorite and replied to about 100 times. I guess I’ll have to get used to this. I checked my DM’s and I had one from @onedirection…

Onedirection: congrats for winning! If you have a skype, we could chat on there about flights and stuff. Our account name is JUSTFIVEGUYS (A/N that is just made up)

I replied.

ayeits_sarah: thank you sosososo much. And I’ll add you right now. :)

I added them to skype and they were calling me for a video chat.

“They added me to skype and are asking for a video chat. Act natural.” I told Cora

“I should be telling you that.” She joked.

Accept call. It loaded my camera and theirs. Ladies and gentlemen, I present you the five most gorgeous guys. And they’re right in front of me.

“Hello” said Harry

“We” said Louis

“Are” said Niall

“One” said Liam

“Direction!” said Zayn

I was smiling so hard that my cheeks were hurting.

“Oh lads, we’re making her blush!” Louis said proudly

“This i-is so unreal.” I stuttered.


I shall end it there. Ha, not really a cliffhanger but whatever. Vote, Comment, Add to library. :)

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