Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Sarah. Welcome to MY house." I snapped back. I don't like rude ass bitches. And obviously, she is one. I turned towards all the other girls and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Sarah" These girls are so pretty. Then there's me...

"I'm Perrie,"

"I'm Eleanor,"

"And I'm Danielle." Each of them grinned back.

"We've heard so much about you.." Danielle commented. Why can't I be pretty like her? Ugh.

"Oh gosh,"I face palmed, "What have they told you?"

Eleanor laughed, "No worries. Nothing to personal."

"Oh, but you've been getting Liam to wash you hair," Danielle nudged my shoulder. I blushed.

"But, I can't do much with this" I waved my cast around, "this inconvenience." Seriously though.

"It's okay, I was only joking." she reassured me. A nervous laugh escaped and I turned around.

"MOM." I bellowed, "CAN YOU COME ERE?"

"NO." She shouted back. I grunted.

"Well, the boys will show you to which room they chose. All I know is that Harry is in the basement room with the waterbed."

"I don't sleep on waterbeds." Taylor just had to complain.

"Um, Harry?" I don't want to get in the middle of this.

Taylor turned towards Harry, "I'm not sleeping on the waterbed. Trade with someone."

"Liam, want to switch?" Harry sighed. Liam gave a sympathetic smile and nodded.

"Good, because waterbeds make my back hurt, and it give me sea sickness. Plus it-" I cut her off.

"I'm going to say this nicely. Please shut up." Her jaw dropped. My body pivoted back around and I walked to the kitchen. I could hear the stifled laughs that people were trying to contain. Niall was right behind me and we sat down to finish eating. Our food was scarfed down and no one was around. I heard Liam taking his and Danielle's stuff down to the basement, and Harry lugging his an Taylor's 6 bags. Who needs six bags? I know I live here and I wouldn't need anything, but even Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie only brought one bag. Needy bitch.

"Let's watch a movie." Perrie suggested. That sounds actually fun.

"Yeah, how about a scary movie?" Danielle squealed.

" What about a romance?" says Harry. Naaah, Nah.

"Maybe because some people are single." I retorted. Niall nodded, "Yeah, single prinlges."

"You guys have each other." Zayn laughed out. #SayWhat

I scooted away from Niall. "HAHAHA, oh Zayn you're so funny." I said sarcastically.

"We're watching a romance." Taylor demanded. I led the way to the basement. It was big, with a huge L shaped couch and a flat screen. There was fitness stuff over in one corner, the hockey table on the opposite wall, behind the couch was the bathroom door, and door to the guest room. And the pool table had its own space on the other side of the stair case, where the bar and fridge was. I walked over to the bookshelves on each side the tv.

"Titanic, The Notebook, The Lucky One, or Love Actually?"

"THE NOTEBOOK." Some of them shouted. Okay then. I popped it in and turned the lights off. From one end of the couch it was Liam and Dani, Taylor next to Dani, Harry, me, Zayn, Perrie, Niall, and Elounor. Great, lovey dovey movies.

"If you're a bird, I'm a bird." Noah said holding Ally in his arms. God, someone stab me with a spoon. The movie wasn't half over yet. I texted Niall:

hey, want go upstairs?



I leaned over and told Harry that Niall and I were going upstairs. Taylor saw me whispering in Harry's ear and glared at me. Harry nodded and went back to watching the movie. I jumped off the couch and ran to the stairs. Niall followed pursuit and we went to the kitchen.

"How about we get food and go to my room?" I suggested.

"Sure." We grabbed some chips, candy and water. As we climbing my spiral, metal steps, Niall commented saying that the stairs make him dizzy. I laughed. Once you get to the top of the stairs, there's 8 foot wide landing. All you see if my picture covered door with things like my family, quotes, some One Direction pictures, landscapes, blah blah. He opened my door.

"Ladies first," Okay, that was adorable. My cheeks tinted red, but I walked in. It was clean in here and bright. White Christmas lights were strung around on my walls so it lit up the room. I walked over to my full side bed and sat on the fluffy dark blue comforter.

My room is about 18ft long and 19ft wide. It's got three sky blue walls and one light grey. The light grey one has the door to my room and the bathroom door. The grey wall is filled from top to bottom, side to side with pictures. The other walls are hung with posters, frames, lights, etc. I have a big dresser, a corner desk that is longer on one end and it has Mac desktop computer to the right. Over the longer end of my desk, hangs a tv. My bed is in the center of the back wall, with throw pillows. There's a couch on the wall to the left when you walk in, covered in my throw blankets and clothes I never put away last time I was here. The bathroom is painted a lighter green, with tan-brown accessories. The closet is about 6 feet wide and goes back about 7 feet. There are clothes on racks lining the walls to the back, the back wall is shoes, and drawers with underwear, socks, belts, and scarves are under the shoes. In the center, is a tall, four sided mirror in a square shape.

"Nice room," Niall tore me out of my thoughts. I smiled.

"Thanks, I wanted something like this so that at when I was older it wouldn't have to be re done." He nodded in agreement. Snatching the remotes and turning the tv on, Niall flopped down on the bed beside me.

"Whadda wanna watch?" I shuffled onto the bed more and crossed my legs.

He shrugged, "I just wanna talk."

"About what?"

"I don't know, anything.."

"20 questions?" Even though I've been with the boys for some time now, I've never learned a lot about them. There was what I already knew, from things on twitter and tumblr. But, I want to really know them. Niall nodded.

"Favorite thing to do besides sing?" my eyebrows raised, in wait for his answer.

"Probably be with the boys or watch football. Sometimes relax." He sat up and mimicked my position. "Do you miss home?"

"Yeah, I miss my mom a lot." I looked down and then back up to his sparkly blue ones. "Best memory with the guys?"

He went deep into thought, "I don't know. We have a ton, but right now it could probably be getting to be normal people with them. Or playing pranks, yeahhh." I giggled. "You have a cute laugh." Niall informed me. I could feel the blood rising to my cheeks, as I blushed and looked away.

"How did you find out about the band?" he asked me. Now I definitely couldn't look at him. Just thinking about the beginning, with Zander and what Cora did, brings tears to my eyes.

"Uh, it's a long story. Why not ask a different question?" My green eyes darting to his and seeing his confussion.

"Alright, do you miss being in a relationship?" He said and I nodded slightly.

"I miss being wanted by someone. I miss that feeling you get when you see them and you know that you love them. But what makes it better, is they love you back"

"Do you like anyone?" Niall's eyes showed something that I couldn't put my finger on.

"Yeah.." I mumbled and blushed even more. He scooted closer to me, and our knees touched. He leaned in, and I did too. My eyes fluttered close and I felt his lips mold to my pink plump ones.


Hey so I'll end right there.

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