Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I was speeding up in the woods, hitting just about every mud filled puddle. Behind me was Narry gaining on me. I couldn't help but laugh my ass off. This was too much fun, and I don't ever remember it being like this.

"Here comes the jump!" I shouted to behind me. It's this ramp of dirt we built a year ago that rockets to about three feet in the air, and you land 10 feet in front of it. I launched off and landed with a thud.

"Wooooohooooo!" Niall yelled. Each of us landed. I stopped ahead to talk to them. I did a 180 turn, with the help of the mud swiveling me. We ended a circle thingy. I took off my purple dirt bike helmet, shaking my hair out.

"Oh, please Sarah do that again." Niall practically moaned. I gave him a weird look.

"You guys wanna have some real fun?" I winked.

"Are you kidding me?" Danielle sat with her mouth agape. "This is the most fun, any of us has had in a long time."

"Seriously though, we haven't done anything like this before." Eleanor added too.

"I wish I could just escape and do this anytime." Perrie slumped. "I mean, I love all our fans to death, but sometimes it's good to want to get away and relax."

I feel bad for them. They're always in the spotlight and every move they make is watched.

"What's this real fun you're talking about?" Harry piped in.

"Behind our woods, is this big field that we race on. It's cool to spin on."

"Sure, lead the way." Zayn nodded.

I drive through the trees and found the hidden path, you go down that and past our tree house, then drive about another 500 feet. The woods stop and land opens out. It's nothing but a big dirt field about 5 acres big.

"Does your family own all of this?" Harry asked with an puzzle face.

"Mhmm, we bought most of it with time. We got this field like 2 years ago." I smiled. "Wanna race?"

"Oh yeah," Louis got super excited hearing this.

"Okay, let's go." I put my helmet back on and got in position. He followed my actions, but Eleanor was sitting on the end of Liam's four wheeler, talking to Danielle and Perrie. "First one all the way around, wins." I smirked, but he couldn't see from my headgear.

"Ready to lose?" Louis mocked me.

"Oh please, I'm skilled." I scoffed. Niall stood between us, with a bandana as a starting flag.

"Winner gets to decide loser's punishment?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I guess I should be thinking of things now, huh?"

"One your marks, get set, GO!" He shouted, and I took off as fast as possible, kicking it at 70 mph. I could see Louis right next to me. I stood up, and raced faster, making the first turn of the field. I slid a bit, being as its muddy. I always stand up, when I race. Like the adrenaline pumps through my veins, wanting victory. Louis was getting ahead, so I swiveled a bit; resulting with mud splashing on him and it caught him off guard, making him slow. A laugh escaped my lips and passed him, long ago. I curved on the next turn and nearly tipped, but landed on all fours perfectly. Louis was next to me, zoomed a head and jerked a bit having mud attack my face. The sassiness is always present.

We raced to the finish line after the last turn and I would not let Louis win. If he did, we'd never hear the end of it. I hit the gear shift button, making me go over 90 mph and zoomed past the "unspoken finish line". I jumped off, throwing my helmet to the dirt and started dancing.

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