Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"My eyes fluttered close and I felt his lips mold to my pink plump ones. His soft lips were moving in sync with my pink ones. I think I like Niall more than I expected."

My body jolted up, panting, looking around in the darkness. There were faint snores coming from next to me. My hands felt around till I hit someone. They grunted. I leaned over and turned on my side table lamp. It was only Niall, fast asleep cuddling one of my pillows. Was it really just a dream? Do I have feelings for Niall? If I were to say who I spend the most time with, it'd probably be him. We always share bed rooms. No, I won't be in a relationship with one of them. I promised myself that in the beginning.

My legs were thrown out from the blanket. I trudged to my closest, peeled off the sweaty leggings and sweatshirt, replacing them with Nike shorts and a tank top. My stomach grumbled, so I crept down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Heeelllo?" My voice slightly echoed, but nothing came in return. I went down past my parents room to hear something from the basement. Nothing. I turned around from the basement door and saw the opposing one. It hasn't been opened in almost two years. Slowly and softly I went towards it. I stopped, and for a few seconds I stood there. Just looking at it. My hand gripped the cold, silver door handle, turning it ever so slightly. Don't do it Sarah. It's too hard. I let go and backed up. A small tear rolling down my cheek. It was wiped away before it could get any further. A long sigh fell out.

I walked to the front stairs and listened for talking, yet still nothing. I was about to go back to the kitchen when I heard voices. They were grumbled a bit, but that didn't stop me. My feet swiftly made it up the stairs, and not a sound was made. I followed the voices, turned left on the hall landing and stopped at the last guest room door. I leaned into the door, almost pressing my ear to it.

"I don't like her." A girl said. "She's to clingy to you."

"What are you talking about?" A deep raspy voice replied to her. It was Harry talking to Taylor.

"Did you see the way she was cuddling up to you? Or the way she whispered in your ear." Taylor complained. She's probably got her arms crossed and head cocked to the side, like a kid throwing a fit.

"Sarah is just a friend. A good friend at that. She doesn't feel that way for us, and I most certainly don't feel that way for her." Harry sounded pissed off by now.

"She's a bitch and she's not pretty." Oh haaaaaill nah. She did not just say that I'm not pretty. I'm not bragging, but everyone is pretty.

"You know nothing about her. So don't ever say that." He spat back.

"I don't trust her."

"But do you trust me?" He asked softly.

"I don't know." She whispered so faintly. God people, speak up.

"You know, it's rude to eavesdrop." I flinched up and looked down the hall. Zayn was standing about 5 feet back. A mean glare was sent his way, so he smirked. He nodded his head down the stairs, asking me to follow. I did and we made our way to the kitchen. I always go to the kitchen. Why? I don't know, maybe my stomach leads the way.

"What was that all about?" I rummaged through the fridge and found some yogurt. I grabbed a spoon and started eating.

"They were talking about me." And another spoonful goes in. He raised his eyebrows. "In a bad way. But Harry was defending me."

"That's good that he was defending you. Why are you up by the way?Its like 2:30." Should I tell Zayn? Naaah

"I was hungry..." It sounded more like a question but he didn't catch it. The rest of my yogurt was gone, so I put the container in the trash and the spoon in the sink.

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