Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

My world is spinning around and life is flashing before my eyes. So many lives are going and coming at this moment, first kisses, first children, first dances, first mistakes. I wake up in a dark room and there is a body laying next to me. I sit up and the person wakes; all I see is curls.

"Harry...?" my voice croaks and I tense. I need a glass of cold water.

"Sarah, are you okay? Do you need anything?" He engulfs me in a bear hug, and I relax. The smell of his colonge fills my nose, telling me that it is Harry. Before I could say anything, he bolts out of bed, and throws the door open screaming.

"SARAH'S AWAKE LADS." Harry yells in his deep voice, running down the hall. Where the hell am I for fucks sake? Then four bodys shove their way through the door. They pile on the bed and form a group hug. My boys. I let out a sigh of breath, that I didn't know I was holding. Harry comes back in the room and flips the light on. Every inch of the room was instantly brightened and my eyes burned.

"Turn it off, it burns." My hands flew up to my face to protect my eyes. After a few seconds, I uncover them and it's dimmed in here. I see five lads on the bed. Niall, Liam, Harry, Louis and Zayn are all around me. They look at me with worried looks and I return them with a confused look. Harry gives me a bottle of water and I chugged it. It's probably not so lady-like, but I'm in dire need of water. The cold liquid runs down my throat. The bottle is empty and I throw it towards the wall. There's a silence that blankets the room.

" long was I out for?" If they weren't going to say anything, I will.

"About 15 hours." Liam replied

"We have to leave for our flight tomorrow morning." Niall added

"Are you okay Sarah? We've been worried sick about you." squealed Louis.

"Yeah, just hungry. And still thirsty. But, I'll live." I shrugged. "Where's my phone?"

Zayn dug in his back pocket and offered it out. I took it and had a lot of alerts. 10 missed calls and 13 texts. Most of the calls were either Mom, Dad, or Cora's Mom. But there was one call from Zander. What the hell does he want? I'll call him tomorrow or something... The texts were from twitter and some other people from school saying that they're sorry about Cora. Yeah right, you assholes hated us.

"Uhm, could you guys excuse me. I need to make a phone call..." My voice trailed off and they nodded, while getting up. Soon it was just me in an empty, dim lit room. I dialled mom and she answered after a few rings.

"Baby?" She sounded worried and like she hasn't slept

"MAMA. WHAT HAPPENED?" I shouted in to the phone. She explained it all to me. Cora was on her way home from school and she had to pick up some things that she forgot at my house. The music was on a bit too loud, and there was a drunk lady blasting down the streets. Cora was turning the corner and the drunk lady was turning too. She hit the front of Cora's car, turning it into an accordian. Cora's in a coma and has badly broken bones.

"Oh my god..." those words came out in a faint whisper. I have to see her. I got off the phone with mama and got out of bed. I was now in a onesie that had british flags all over it. I walked down some halls and through a few rooms, finally finding the kitchen. Niall and Louis were in there too.

"What do we have to eat?" I said while rummaging through some cabinets. Only to come across some peanuts and nutella. I swiped the nutella and grabbed a spoon. I want chocolates and sweets. The rest of the boys waltzed in the kitchen and it was silent.

"I've got to get home." I broke the silence. Each of them looked at me with a different emotion.

"Sarah, what are you talking about?" Harry asked. I looked down at my feet and then jumped to sit on the counter.

"Cora, she's in the hospital and I need to see her." I couldn't find the energy to look up. A tear fell from my eye and hit the floor.

"Well, you could go back home to Michigan for a while, when we go to Miami." Zayn offered. He seemed very concerned, which is weird because he doesn't like me all that much.

"I guess. I don't want to leave you guys, but I have to see her. She's my other half, my sister. She needs me." Looking up to see their faces filled with sadness and sorrow.

"I'll talk to Paul and management." Liam said. I nodded and hoped down.

"Want a piggy back ride, love?" Louis asked, while looking at me like I was fragile. I didn't say anything, but I got on his back and became limp. He took me to my room, taking a shorter route that I didn't know exisisted. The rest of them followed in tow, minus Liam who must've gone to find Paul. Louis set me down on my bed. They were about to walk away and leave me alone.

"Wait!" They turned around to look at me. "Want to watch a movie?" Niall was the first to react, because he ran over and jumped on to the bed. He got under the blankets and cuddle up to me. The rest of them followed. From left to right it was Harry, Zayn, Me, Niall and lastly Louis. There was a boat load of movies on today, and we decided on Mean Girls. My type of movie. We were laughing and mimicking the lines. Afterwards we watch Finding Nemo and we eventually fell asleep.

Liam's POV:

I just talked to Paul and he is going to whip up some last minute flights. I walked back in the hotel suite and yelled "I'M BACK!" I got no response and it was silent. Did they leave? I heard some noise and I followed it to Siall's Room (Niall & Sarah - no they're not dating). The tv was on playing Disney movies and on the bed were sleeping angels. They had their heads on either someone's shoulder or leaning on their head. Snores filled the room and I layed on the couch next to the bed. Soon, I drifted off to sleep.

Sarah's POV:

-Next Day-

I have everything packed and it's been taken to baggage checking area. I was waiting at the terminal with the boys to go to Florida. I decided to wait with them, since my flight to leave to Michigan isn't for 2 hours.

"All passengers leaving to Miami, Florida may board at this time." The annoucer lady said over the inter-com. We all stood up and got in the ticket check line. We were silent, as the line moved forward. Being silent has become a habit of ours. They got there tickets checked and I hugged them each for a moment. Each of them kissed the top of my head and wished me good luck. The boys boarded the plane and from the big window, I could see them looking out windows and waving. I waved back. Soon their plane was off and I walked to my terminal.

-2 hours later-

"All passengers leaving to Lansing, Michigan may board at this time." I got up, grabbed my turtle bag and duffle bag. I bumped into a boy.

"Shit, I'm so sorry" He said while helping me up.

"It's no prob-" I said, and when I looked into his soft brown eyes, I felt something twist in my stomach.


ooooh, who's the boy? :)

And make sure you went and read chapter 10, i updated twice in one day!


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