Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

His laugh, his thick brown hair, his dimple, his smile, his voice. My sit was next to his in first class. He had helped me up at the terminal. And he's Jc  Caylen. He's part of a youtube collab channel called our2ndlife, his own channel, and another collab channel he does with his friend Ricardo called thesedudez. (A/N: i love him and all the boys in O2L. go watch they're videos!) We were joking around about the lady two rows ahead of us who "didn't get the right drink".

"Let's play 20 questions?" Jc suggested. This should be fun, so I said okay.

"You first though," I told him. He shook his head.

"Nope, ladies first." He chuckled. I gave him a blank face.

"Fiiiine," I sighed. I pondered, then a light bulb went off. "Any siblings?"

"Yep, a little brother and sister. How'd you do that to your arm?" He gestured to my cast

"I was...trampled." I gave a slight frown. "My turn?"

"Yes ma'am" How cute, now I'm a ma'am. Thinking...

"Best friends?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh yeah, I have a lot. Ricardo, Ricky, Connor, Sam, Kian, and Trevor." Whoa, that is a ton.

"Holy pancakes. I have Cora and then the boys." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"What boys?"

"One Direction..." I thought I mentioned them earlier.

"YOU DID NOT TELL YOU WERE BFF'S WITH 1D?" Jc shouted. We got looks from other people and in returned I gave them an apologetic face.


"I love them!" Okay, that's a bit different coming from a guy. I tried holding in a laugh. "That's so cool."

"Your turn," I nudged him.

"Okay, why are you going to Michigan?" Jc asked when he got out of fangirl mode. Right when he said something about home, I got upset and had the urge to cry.

"My friend... She's in the hospital" I looked away and out the window. Pools of water were in my eyes, almost falling down my cheeks.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He whispered. I shrugged. Now I want to sleep. To forget all my worries for right now.

"I'm going to go to sleep for a while." I pulled out my headphones and untangled them.

"If you want, you can lay your head on my shoulder." I gave him a strange look, "Only if you want." He rushed those last words out. Jc was seriously the most adorable thing ever. I nodded and pushed the arm rest up out of the way. He took a pillow and set it on his lap, meaning that I should just lay down. I giggled and did so. I'm small enough to sprawl out on my seat and lay on his lap. I played my music and the first to come on was 'Can't Stop Won't Stop' by Up and Away. My eyes became droopy and I started dreaming...

Jc's POV:

She had fallen asleep on my lap. Her green eyes light up like Christmas and her laugh is so soft but loud. She's perfect. I want her to be mine. That's my mission. I hope she doesn't have a boyfriend. Even if she does, she's worth the fight.

Sarah POV:

-Hours Later-

I woke up to someone tickling my nose. I scrunched my nose and covered my face. Then it tickled my sides, so I jolted up and heard a booming laugh. My hair was covering my face so I shoved it out of the way and all I saw was Jc laughing. I got up and sat in my seat.

"You're a heavy sleeper." He joked. I turned to look at him, with my best angry face but I couldn't stay mad at his cute baby face. I giggled and my stomach rumbled.

"How long was I asleep?"

"I don't know, I fell asleep too." Jc shrugged. I need food. God, I sound like Niall. I sighed; I miss them. I wonder if they've landed yet. Wait, when do we land? I pressed the button above for the flight attendant to come.

"What do you need Miss?" The woman asked rather rudely.

"How much longer until we land?"

"We should be landing in about a 20 minutes." She stated and stalked off. Someone's on their period. I started putting away my stuff and cleaning up.

"What's your number? So we can stay in touch?" Jc asked, inside the butterflies were released. I nodded and he handed me his phone and  I handed him mine. When I was done I looked at his contact name, BABYCAKES and I set mine as, SUGARBRITCES.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I could ask you to return your seats to the upright position, throw out your garbage, put away all electronics, and buckle up. We will be landing in about 10 minutes."

Jc and I did as we were told. I was already cleaned up, unlike some people. We landed and got our carry on's out. He let me go first when we walked out. And me being as graceful as I can, I tripped on the platform. It's all good. We got out to the terminal and I saw my driver, William, waiting for me. I gave him the "one minute" hand sign and turned to Jc.

"I guess this is goodbye...?" I gave a puzzled face.

"Not for long sugarbritches." Jc smiled wide and I got butterflies again.

"Okay, well text me babycakes." I giggled, something I've been doing a lot.

"Bye Sarah," He leaned in for a hug and I returned it.

"Bye Jc." I started walking away and he started backing away. "I'LL BE WAITING FOR THAT TEXT." I shouted across the airport to him.

"DON'T WORRY BABE, IT'LL BE COMING SOON." He bellowed back. I ran up to William and gave him a hug. He was only 23 and has been driving me for 2 years, so we're close.

"Hey girl, how've you been?" He said while grabbing my bags.

"Okay, I guess." I replied.

"Well, how about we go get your bags?" Will nodded in the direction of baggage claim.

"Okay, I only have one bag there because I let the boys take them to Florida. I'm not gonna be gone for long." He and I walked up to the carousel of luggage and I saw my bag with the pink ribbon tied on it, showing it's mine. I got it off and we wheel them to the car. He neatly put my suitcase and dufflebag in the back, while I took my turtle bag to the front. I usually sit in the back, but I don't wanna be all lonely. We leave the airport and he asks me where I want to go. Honestly, I would say home, but I want to see Cora. I told him to take me there and we sat in silence until the hospital came into sight. The palms of my hands got sweaty and I'm nervous. He dropped me off and told me that he'll park the car, then be in the waiting room.

I walked through the double doors and down the halls. It was cold and smelled of IV liquids, with white walls and white floors. I got a chill down my spine. I approached the counter with a nurse behind it.

"Yes miss?" The woman dressed in scrubs asked.

"Erm, what room is Cora Levy in?" I rested my hands on the edge of the counter.

"Room 138, down the hall and the the right." She pointed to which way I have to go. "Are you family?"

"Mhm, thanks." I scurried off before she could ask anymore questions. I'm not family, but they don't know that. I followed the room numbers that were gradually getting to the one I wanted. Soon, there it was. Room 138. I turned the knob and saw what I didn't need to. There she lays. With a bandage around her head, cuts, scraps, bruises, and a propped up broken leg. Tears filled my eyes, so fast. I ran up to her and grabbed her hand. It was warm. A person coughed and emerged from the corner. That motherfucking asshole comes out to the light. A sharp inhale of air went through my lungs.



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