Chapter 16

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It was uncanny how much he looked like a corpse. Lying there with no breath and no heartbeat there was no denying he was dead. It was unnerving enough that you had to fight the urge to shake him awake to make sure he wasn't dead-dead. Jin had instructed that sleep was very important for Yoongi right now. After he had healed Yoongi, Jin told you that he had still lost a lot of blood, and that was something only his body could recover on it's own, so he needed to rest until his body regenerated. But it was killing you.

After seeing him nearly die, you'd realised that maybe it wouldn't haven't been the worst idea to patch things up between the two of you. Clear the air. Define the relationship. Whatever it was called, you just wanted to get what was in your head out of it. You didn't suspect he would receive it well. It would likely end in rejection, but you'd always appreciated honesty, and if Yoongi could give it to you then you would do the same for him. But it made it a little hard to do that when he was unconscious.

Well, if you were being completely honest, you were actually jealous. You wished you could be asleep right now, gods knew you were exhausted, but your night had been non-stop crazy that you hadn't been able to snatch a moment of sleep, and now, finally alone with Yoongi, you didn't want to close your eyes and go to sleep. You just wanted to look at him as he slept, so you were sure he was here, with you and safe.

After Jin had healed him, they had lain him down in his bed. Then Jin tended to your injuries, closing up the wounds and smoothing out the skin littered with scratches. The only unfortunate thing was that he couldn't get rid of the soreness, so you were left feeling like you'd gotten hit by a truck. Although it was a small price to pay for your safety you thought.

After you were healed and everyone had settled down you had launched into the story, explaining how everything went down, with no small amount of scolding from everyone about how you should not have walked into the clutches of a stranger in the middle of the night. You went through the whole attack, the only thing you didn't mention to them was the earth-rupturing fear that you felt when you saw Yoongi get stabbed right in the chest. Everyone was very concerned that I had just left Sadie - if that was her real name - lying in the alleyway, not checking if she was dead or at least restrained if she wasn't. But Yoongi's situation had you a little distracted. Hoseok and Jin had actually left the apartment to go and check on her. You had no idea what they were going to do, but they promised it wouldn't be anything bad. It felt strange pleading to save the life of the person that killed your father and attempted to kill you, but it seemed murder was not something you felt particularly keen on, no matter who it was. The two of them had yet to return, and you couldn't help worrying about them every second they didn't come back, but you were constantly assured by the others that they would be fine.

Everyone eventually went off to their own thing after a while - once they had made sure you were fed and comfortable of course. You were left now with Yoongi, asleep peacefully on his bed as you sat on the floor beside him, head perched on the side of the bed, careful not to disturb him.

Your creepy staring was interrupted by Namjoon's sudden presence. You sensed him outside a second before he knocked on the door. You told him to come in.

"Hi," he said, smiling softly, "I just came in here to check on him, Jin's orders." He pointed to his phone, which was presumably what he was just talking to Jin on.

"They're all good then?" You asked and Namjoon nodded.

"Everything's fine now." His words were eternally more calming than he probably thought they were. But it was exactly what you needed to hear. "Has he moved at all?" He asked and you shook your head. As still as a plank of wood for hours. "Are you not tired?" You shook your head again.

I Know I Sound Crazy - Min Yoongi x Reader (Vampire AU)Where stories live. Discover now