Chapter 3

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For classes that day it seemed like Yoongi got the message, and opted for sitting on the other side of the class if he could, and a few seats away from you at the very least. He didn't try to engage you in conversation, he didn't stare at you from where he was sitting, you didn't even see him at lunch times. He pretty much acted as if you didn't exist, which was good you guessed. But the end of the day did eventually make it's way around, and so you were left to stand out the front of Lilliana's, waiting for Yoongi. A couple other kids from your school were lingering around at the front or had claimed some tables inside. It was a popular spot for kids at your school to hang out seeing as it was so close to school grounds.

A couple minutes later you saw Yoongi walking up, offering a small smile and a wave in greeting. You waved back but couldn't muster a smile of your own.

"Should we grab a table?" Yoongi said when he was in earshot. You nodded and pushed off the wall you were leaning on to walk inside and grab one of the few free tables that were left, surprised you'd actually managed to claim a booth seat. You took your bag off and sat it down next to you, Yoongi doing the same as he slid down into the seat opposite.

It was painfully awkward. There didn't really seem to be a smooth transition into finding out why Yoongi was following you, and as much as you just wanted to outright ask him, he seemed reluctant to tell you, which concerned you quite a bit.

"You gonna get anything?" You asked when you noticed he hadn't touched the menu.

"No, I'm not hungry," he shook his head. You didn't understand that either, you were always ravenous after school. You got up to go order some food before you came back. The silence resumed. Eventually though, it was just about too much for you.

"Okay, so, uh, why were you stalking me?" You finally asked when you were sure you were just about to combust from all the unasked questions.

"Hey, I wasn't stalking you," he pointed out once again, "I know it looked bad, but I promise I wasn't stalking you."

"Then why the hell were you following me home from work, in the dark." You laid back in your seat, still very skeptical of Yoongi and what he was saying.

"It's hard to explain but I can promise you I wasn't stalking you." Your unconvinced frown didn't leave your face. "Jesus Christ, how do I say this," he murmured, "I was following you, but I wasn't stalking you. It was more like... tracking," he spoke slowly, carefully picking his words.

"I'm sorry, but 'tracking' doesn't sound any better than stalking, if anything it sounds a hundred times worse." You felt really uncomfortable in this moment.

"God- Look-" he sighed deeply, and in that moment he looked a lot older than a high school senior. "Okay, listen, I need you to hear me out and please do not leave, I'm going to sound crazy, I know, but please... just listen."

"I make no promises," you said. If he started descending into wacko town you were going to be up and out of here in a second. "But continue."

Yoongi hung his head for a second, taking another deep breath. "Okay... I'm a vampire," he finally looked up and stared you straight in the eyes. You stared back at him for a few seconds, and when he didn't crack a smile or burst into laughter, when you realised he was being a hundred percent certain, you got straight up out of your seat.

"Well, nice meeting you, I don't know what kind of wack job shit you're on but please stop following me or I will call the cops," you smiled despite the craziness. Yoongi shot up from his seat immediately after you.

"No, Y/N, please!" He grabbed your wrist and you very nearly punched him in the face. You absolutely would have if you weren't frozen in place by the look on his face. He looked so... desperate? What concerned you the most was how genuinely serious he was. He truly believed he was a vampire. You had no idea what to believe any more, but you knew you wouldn't have minded if you never spoke to or saw Yoongi again in your life. But you had never been able to say no to people. So you sat back down in your seat, even though you were completely convinced you were sitting down with an escaped insane asylum patient, and you heard him out.

I Know I Sound Crazy - Min Yoongi x Reader (Vampire AU)Where stories live. Discover now