Chapter 12

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The silence was as horrifying as it was lovely. Being alone with your thoughts without interruption gave you a hot minute to try and figure out what the hell was going on up in your head, but the silence also let you stew in your emotions and that wasn't particularly fun.

There was a lot you were trying to process right now. First and foremost in your mind was panic. Someone wanted to kill you. There was a person out there, most likely much stronger and much more skilled then you and they wanted you dead. Lights out, six feet underground, never take another breath dead. And there was no way to feel about that other than terrified. Whilst you may have been gaining superhuman abilities, you certainly weren't a match for someone with a couple weapons, certainly not someone that was capable of taking out a full-blooded-vampire. This person was out for blood and you felt helpless. And stupid. And confused.

And angry. At Yoongi for lying to you and your mother for also lying to you. Why did people think that was a good idea. It never made anything better, it only made things worse. So much worse and confusing and now you were upset.

You wished you weren't thinking this as there were many more pressing issues to deal with, but you couldn't get the disappointment out of your mind that you weren't the first person Yoongi's worked with. You felt special knowing you were essentially going on this journey with him, the two of you working together to figure things out and navigate what the hell was going on with you. Now you felt stupid. And kind of worthless. You were likely nothing special.

Despite all that, you still enjoyed being around Yoongi, and even though you did just leave him, you would be lying if you said you wouldn't have enjoyed his company right now. Or any of the guys really. They were all really nice and friendly and comforting. The thought of that was tarnished a bit when you remembered that you probably weren't the first girl they'd cooked for and swarmed with warmth and kindness. They probably only did that so you were more cooperative. Great, now you felt cheap. This was great.

Your little pity party was interrupted by a knock on your door, undoubtedly you mother. You were wondering how long it was going to take her to come up here and ask you about what the hell you just said to her.

"Come in." You called. In all honesty you felt pretty bad about how you had been treating your mother lately. You understood why she lied, not that you liked it. But you got that sometimes your mother had to make hard decisions, and not telling you about your father was probably one of the hardest decisions she ever had to make. And you yelled at her for doing her best. You distanced yourself from your best-friend because you didn't like a decision she made when all she wanted to do was keep you safe.

"Hey sweetie, I think we should talk," your mother said, smiling lightly. The fact that she was still so kind and cautious with you was enough to make your heart crack in two right there. You blinked at her a few times, and before you could stop it, the flood gates opened and tears were spilling out of your eyes by the second. Your mother looked alarmed for a split second before rushing forward and encircling you in her arms. You held her back tightly, forgetting about everything for the moment, all the crazy killers and confusing vampires and just enjoyed how it felt to be in your mothers arms again.

"I think that would be a good idea," you said when you had calmed down a bit. You cringed at the dark mascara stains on your mother's work shirt but she just waved you off.

"Let's sit down and have something to eat," she suggested and you nodded vigorously. The two of you walked back downstairs, where you sat down at the kitchen table and your mother plonked down the already half-eaten tub of chocolate ice-cream and a couple of spoons. You laughed at that. How could you have ever been mad at your mother.

"Where do we even start?" You asked. You found yourself asking that a lot lately.

"Let me start." Your mother insisted. You took this opportunity to snatch up one of the spoons and dig into the ice-cream. "I wanted to say sorry, truly, completely and absolutely. I did not know that this was going to happen to you, that you would be different at all, and I didn't want you to be different like that, because if you weren't then I knew you would be safe. And that was all I wanted for you, I promise, I just wanted to protect you because you were my daughter and I loved you with my whole heart that the thought of anything happening to you made me sick, physically sick. But I know I can't do that for you forever, and growing up you should have known the complete truth, and that is all I will give you from now on. I will stand by your side, I will support you in all your decisions and choices and no longer will I try to force on you what I think is the best for you." Your mother's eyes were leaking a few stray tears, but her voice was steady, serious. She meant what she said, a hundred percent and that nearly sent you spiralling back into a tearful mess.

I Know I Sound Crazy - Min Yoongi x Reader (Vampire AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя